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Blood pressure increases when you play sports: is it risky or beneficial? A doctor answers

  • May 22, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 14

Among the many good habits recommended to control his blood pressure and reduce risks d’hypertensionthere is in particular food, meditation, weight loss or even sporting activity. But high blood pressure is the most common chronic disease in the world and concerns 1 in 3 adults, according to Inserm. This condition corresponds to an abnormal increase in blood pressure on the walls of the arteries and can lead to numerous cardiovascular complications, but also neurodegenerative. It is therefore essential to adopt good habits to maintain normal blood pressure in the long term, that is to say lower than 140/90 mmHg according to the website.

If the practice of regular physical activity is recommended to keep your blood pressure under control, although this causes a temporary increase in blood pressure. How to assess the benefit-risk balance between sporting activity and increased blood pressure? In an Instagram video, Doctor Boris Hansel, endocrinologist and nutritionist, deciphered the links between sport and blood pressure.

Regular exercise helps improve arterial and heart health, says doctor

Why is it necessary do sports regularly to lower your blood pressure if this activity can have the opposite effect? According to the doctor, “what we are trying to do isimprove the health of the arteries and the heart”. He explains that “during exercise, the heart speeds up, blood pressure rises, and this is completely normal and is not dangerous.”.

Dr Boris Hansel adds that in fact, practicing sport occasionally increases blood pressure, but it is not this occasional increase that is dangerous for health: “The walls of the arteries are made to withstand occasional rises in blood pressure, what is not good is the permanent rise in blood pressure”. But how does practicing regular physical activity improve cardiovascular health ? According to the specialist, she “increases the force of contraction of the heart and the flexibility of the arteries which will then better transport oxygen to the organs and muscles, and as the heart and muscles tire less during exercise, we feel more dynamic”.

What is the recommended duration of physical activity to maintain healthy blood pressure?

In order to maximize the health benefits of sport, the doctor reminds the recommended duration of physical activity by health authorities. “The recommended duration of endurance activity such as brisk walking, cycling, or running is at least 2.5 hours of physical exercise per weekbut even below, you are already doing good for your heart and your health in general”, he recalls.

Sources :

  • High blood pressure (hypertension) – Inserm
  • Definition and causes of high blood pressure (hypertension) –
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Emilie Biechy-Tournade