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BRH launched the second cohort of economics training for journalists

  • June 18, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 11

Launch of the second cohort of “Economics Training for Journalists” by the BRH.

The Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) launched this Tuesday, June 18, 2024, the second cohort of its “Economics Training for Journalists”. This initiative aims to equip journalists with the tools necessary to cover economic topics with precision and depth. 25 journalists from 15 different media are participating in this training session, which will end next Thursday, December 19.

During this first day, trainers Jean Lesly Roberson Léger and Claude Jacques Duvert covered several essential themes, including macroeconomic accounts, the different groups of macroeconomic accounts, as well as the notions of stock and flow data. Participants actively interacted with the trainers, asking many questions to deepen their understanding.

“My expectations were met. Both trainers were up to the task and were patient with the participants because they know that we journalists are not really economists. I am satisfied with the trainers and the welcome,” declared Moïse Jean, journalist from Vant Bèf Info, at the end of this first day of training.

Lenz Beth Ferlyn Alparète, Juno7 journalist, described this training as “commendable”. According to him, this initiative will allow journalists to fill their gaps in the treatment of economic subjects. “This will allow journalists to have enough baggage to deal with some economic issues,” he said. For Lenz, this will improve the understanding of economic information by readers and listeners.

Lenz also encouraged the BRH to sustain this initiative and make it an annual program for journalists.

With this training, the BRH demonstrates its commitment to strengthening the capacities of Haitian journalists in economic matters, thus contributing to better dissemination of economic information to the general public.

BRH launched the second cohort of economics training for journalists

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