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Conille Cabinet | Sentimental relationship involves: Louis Grald Gilles and the appointment of Marie Franoise Suzan to the MCFDF

  • June 11, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 8

Marie Françoise Suzan appointed to her post from abroad, just like Garry Conille returned all-powerful after a decade of eclipse, still not preventing Tèt Kale 1 from monopolizing diplomacy.

The president of the Federation of Women’s Organizations for Equality of Human Rights (FEDOFEDH), Novia Augustin, said she was outraged after the joint decision of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) and the Prime Minister’s Office to appoint Marie Françoise Suzan as head of the Ministry for the Status of Women and Women’s Rights (MCFDF). She recalls that the Councilor-President, Louis Gérald Gilles, maintains a sentimental relationship with the appointed minister.

“The minister appointed for the Status of Women, Marie Françoise Suzan, has never campaigned for respect for women’s rights, she has no trace of her commitment to women,” reacted Novia Augustin. “It’s a parachute,” judged the president of FEDOFEDH during an interview given this Tuesday on Radio Kiskeya.

In addition, the appointment of Marie Françoise Suzan was made without consensus with women’s organizations, without the approval of known figures in the sector, denounced the women’s rights activist. The head of FEDOFEDH, Novia Augustin, also a candidate to lead the MCFDF, promises to fight to prevent the installation of the new Minister for the Status of Women.

At the center of this controversy is the Advisor-President, Dr. Louis Gérald Gilles, who propelled Marie Françoise Suzan to the head of the Ministry. The leader of FEDOFEDH reveals that the former senator maintains a romantic relationship with Minister Suzan, who has been residing in the United States of America for some time. According to his version, the former parliamentarian did everything possible to offer the position to his concubine.

At the same time, the appointment of the Minister of Public Health and Population (MSPP), Dr Georges Fils Brignol, generated criticism and reservations. Dr. Marie Antoinette Gauthier denounces the choice of an inexperienced young person, without a university degree, imposed by Dr. Louis Gérald Gilles. “Such a decision is an affront to the medical sector,” criticizes Dr. Marie Antoinette Gauthier.

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