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Conille remains evasive on the deployment of Kenyan troops in Haiti

  • June 18, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 10

Ariel Henry signed a “reciprocity” agreement with Kenya. The question now is whether Haiti would send police to suppress anti-budget protesters in Nairobi, using liberal amounts of tear gas, their preferred method…

On the other hand, it is nowhere stipulated in the Haitian Constitution that the CEP is empowered to organize a referendum to amend the Constitution.

MMAS in Haiti: the solution to insecurity depends on Haitians first, maintains Dr. Conille

The de facto Prime Minister, Dr. Garry Conille, remains evasive as to the possible date of deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMAS) in Haiti, announced for mid-June according to recent statements by Kenyan President William Ruto.

Could the arrival of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMAS) in Haiti, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2699, be considered uncertain? This question emerges due to the numerous delays compared to expectations, while the UN resolution expires on July 2. The latest announcement from Kenyan President William Ruto spoke of an imminent deployment around mid-June, or even within the next two weeks. In reality, the presence of this force on Haitian soil is still awaited.

Visiting the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) in Pétion-Ville this Tuesday, Prime Minister Garry Conille addressed the question in a rather vague manner in response to a journalist. For Dr. Conille, it is up to Haitians to work to improve the security climate, not foreigners. He expressed his support for the intention of the international community to support the Haitian people, while indicating that he had discussions with President Ruto and other international partners, without revealing the precise points discussed.

By taking this position, Dr. Conille emphasizes that the issue of security is the responsibility of Haitians in the first place. It focuses on strengthening public forces, notably the Haitian National Police and the Haitian Armed Forces, to dismantle armed gangs. He mentioned several meetings with police and military authorities with the aim of containing the security crisis.

Hervé Noël
[email protected]

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