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CPT/PM debate: a competition of false promises programmed to pass the time

  • May 26, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 12

A month after their installation, the nine members of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) seem to have found their vocation: a real competition of procrastination. Unable to prove to the population that they deserve their trust, they instead excel in the art of doing nothing, mired in internal struggles and clannish approaches worthy of a bad television series.

For 30 days, not a single modality of operation of the Collegial Presidency has seen the light of day in the Monitor. But don’t worry, they still found time to renew this unreal state of emergency, inherited from the late Ariel Henry regime. What a feat! Meanwhile, the bandits’ bullets continue to whistle over the heads of desperate fathers and mothers. But hey, why rush when you can still make the pleasure last?

And to top it all off, our brilliant Presidential Advisors have decided to organize an electoral debate between five finalists for the post of Prime Minister.

Yes, you heard correctly, a debate! As if the situation in the country was not critical enough, they prefer to get stuck in what increasingly resembles a political beauty contest, where each candidate will spout their fallacious promises live on National Television and the networks. social.

Unconsciousness definitely rhymes with carelessness among these Excellencies. Logical continuation of the governance of the Pope of Immobilism, Ariel Henry. Everyone hoped that by this weekend at the latest, a Prime Minister would have been appointed, ready to form his ministerial cabinet and take concrete actions. But no, why rush? The ministers of the “Lost Territories” can continue to receive their salaries and incidentals unduly, without lifting a finger to relieve the ordeal of the Haitians.

Meanwhile, our Presidential Advisors are lounging around in their brand new armored vehicles, reveling in anticipation of the grotesque spectacle that these five power-hungry personalities will offer them. The people can wait, after all, they are used to waiting in anguish and despair.

Leaving the hostel? Not tomorrow, my friends. With such leaders, the spectacle of inaction and inefficiency continues unabated. Prepare for more empty promises and inaction, because apparently that’s all these Advisors know how to do.

Elensky question