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Crisis: Proposal to the American Congress for a $50 billion plan over 10 years to rebuild Haiti

  • May 20, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 15

P-au-P, 20 from 2024 [AlterPresse] — Several American representatives are proposing, to the Congress of the United States of America, a resolution regarding an investment plan amounting to 50 billion US dollars (Editor’s note: US 4 1.00=+ 140.00 gourdes; 1 euro=145.00 gourdes; 1 Canadian dollar=98.00 gourdes; 1 Dominican peso=2.40 gourdes today) to rebuild Haiti over a period of 10 years, learns the online agency AlterPresse.

This “so-called revolutionary” resolution was presented to Congress on Friday, May 17, 2024, by US Representative Jan Schakowsky and the co-chairs of the Haiti Caucus, US Representatives Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick and Yvette Clarke, the day before the 221st anniversary, on Saturday May 18, 2024, of the creation (May 18, 1803) of the two-tone blue and red of Haiti.

It would aim to stabilize Haiti, strengthen democratic and judicial institutions, invest in critical infrastructure, stimulate economic growth and improve opportunities for women and young people to ensure the well-being of the Haitian people, according to a press release from representatives and American representatives, of which the online agency AlterPresse became aware.

“With this resolution, we can give Haiti the means to develop and implement a peaceful and prosperous plan for its future,” said MP Jan Schakowsky.

“We are working very closely with many Haitian-American leaders, including some from Illinois’ 9th Congressional District, to pass this resolution.”

Jan Schakowsky paints a bleak picture of Haiti, “crossed by the political unrest that is ravaging Port-au-Prince, food shortages, devastating earthquakes and rising violence.”

Haitians are facing an unprecedented crisis, she recalls.

“This resolution will not only support Haiti’s well-deserved reconstruction plan, but will also encourage a Haitian-led effort to restore the country,” argues Haitian-American MP Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, who declares her commitment to strengthen relations between the United States and Haiti.

Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke considers the need for support from the United States vital.

“This essential investment plan will provide our beloved Caribbean ally with the resources and relief, which are not only necessary to ensure the future and security of Haitian communities, but also the viability of a democratic transition led by Haitians.”

President Mary Estimé-Irvin of the National Network of Haitian American Elected Officials (Nhaeon) says she is enthusiastic about this collaboration between Representatives Schakowsky, Cherfilus-McCormick and Clarke.

This investment plan would support the restoration of democratic governance through free and fair elections, strengthen the rule of law and the capacities of Haitian security forces, including a program of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of young people formerly enrolled in armed gangs.

Invest in rebuilding and modernizing Haiti’s physical infrastructure, including health care, roads, bridges, ports, electricity grid, and water and sanitation systems, promoting economic development sustainable through the modernization of agriculture and food security, are among the objectives targeted in this resolution.

The investment plan amounting to 50 billion US dollars should also support small businesses and entrepreneurs, in particular small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, women and young people, improve the access to quality health care, education and social services, to meet Haiti’s acute humanitarian needs, among others. [emb rc apr 20/05/2024 11:10]