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Dominicans at the polls this Sunday, May 19 to elect a president

  • May 19, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 20

Dominicans at the polls this Sunday, May 19 to elect a president

A decisive vote

This Sunday, May 19, 2024, citizens of the Dominican Republic will go to the polls for a crucial election. At stake are the presidency of the country, the vice-president, 190 members of the Chamber of Deputies and 32 senators who will form the National Congress.

This election comes in a context of diplomatic tension between the Dominican Republic and its neighbor, Haiti, in particular due to the controversial construction of a canal on the Massacre River in Haiti and the strict migration policy implemented by the Dominican authorities towards people of Haitian origin.

Luis Abinader candidate for re-election

Luis Abinader, the outgoing president, is a candidate for his own succession under the banner of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM). Abinader, who hopes to secure a second four-year term, sees his migration policy and diplomatic relations with Haiti as major sticking points in his campaign. Despite these challenges, polls indicate he could win with around 65% of the vote, with some PRM analysts even hoping to reach the 70% mark.

The main candidates

Among the eight candidates in the running, four particularly stand out:

  • Luis Abinader : Seeking to renew his mandate, he represents the PRM, a party from the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) founded by Peña Gomez.
  • Abel Martinez : Candidate of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), former mayor of Santiago, comes in second position in the polls, building on his success in the last municipal elections.
  • Leonel Fernandez : Former president on three occasions, he is running under the banner of Fuerza del Pueblo. Fernandez founded this structure four years ago following a schism within the PLD, caused by a dispute with Gonzalo Castillo during a primary. This internal conflict weakened the PLD, making the fight against the PRM more difficult.
  • Miguel Vargas : Representing the PRD, he completes this quartet of main candidates.
An election under high tension

This Sunday’s vote will therefore be decisive for the political and diplomatic future of the Dominican Republic. Tensions with Haiti, the strict migration policy and the ambitions of the different parties will make this election particularly observed, both nationally and internationally. Dominicans now have a date with their future, hoping that this vote clarifies and stabilizes the direction in which their country is heading.

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