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Election of Luis Abinader: what consequences for Haitian migrants?

  • May 22, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 15
On May 19, 2024, incumbent President Luiz Abinader was re-elected in the first round of the Dominican Republic presidential election

It is not that we are concerned by the elections which take place on Sunday, May 19 in the Dominican Republic, but what worries us most is the treatment given to Haitian migrant workers. Given that the electoral speeches were very strong against Haitian migration. What will be the fallout from this second term when the president had to declare last March “We will not stop deportations to Haiti and we will not allow refugee camps” ?

Certainly, the majority of the Haitian immigrant population residing in the Dominican Republic does not have a cheerful heart considering the official results of this presidential election which resulted in the re-election of racist President Luis Abinader for a new term of 4 years. Given that the latter, through the immigration policy of the Dominican government, has made Haitians see all the colors of the rainbow of racism that inhabits it.

Will racist President Luis Abinader, elected for a new 4-year term, stop or continue his policy of deportations to Haiti?

This means that there will be no lull in the ordeal of our workers. The policy of manu militari expulsion of our nationals will undoubtedly be further strengthened. With concern reigning, Abinader since coming to power in 2020 has imposed a firm policy against Haitian immigration with raids and expulsions. He increased the presence of the armed force on the border and built a 164 km long wall of shame, which he even promised to extend further during his second term.

Worse, its racist migration policy does not differentiate between holders of legal documents and those operating illegally. It is enough that you are black to be accused of Haitian and to be overwhelmed with all the insults in the world, without forgetting the beatings and the stripping of all your precious belongings before being deported to Haitian territory at the other end of the border.

It is obvious that his victory is a justification of his harsh criminal policy against immigration from Haiti, a country impoverished by the imperialist powers who continue to promote among Haitian leaders, the policy of bad governance, corruption and plunder of resources.

“This electoral victory, in my case, is the last, because I will respect the Constitution”, declared the president-elect. According to informed observers, since Abinader cannot be a candidate for a third term, this would seem to indicate that he will not behave in the same way, he will be less acidic than before. Others, however, doubt it.

In fact, all his nationalist acrobatics were simply to cajole his people since discrimination and the deportation of Haitians are considerable political assets when there are elections. This is why, all the candidates without exception agreed on the need to strengthen policies against irregular migration of Haitians.

Furthermore, the Transitional Presidential Council, in a press release, congratulated President Luis Abinader in these terms on his re-election. “While wishing the re-elected president and the Dominican people every success during his new mandate, the Presidential Transitional Council is prepared to work with him, in a spirit of mutual respect, to relaunch cooperation between the two countries”

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Marie Laurette Numa