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Essential advice from a psychologist to forget an impossible love

  • May 23, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 11

Psychologist Johanna Rozenblum’s four essential tips for overcoming impossible love

Falling in love is always an intense experience. But sometimes it’s an impossible love, whether it’s reciprocated or not. How can you overcome this ordeal and forget your loved one? Johanna Rozenblumpsychologist, provided his informed advice on the Doctissimo website.

What is impossible love?

In some relationships, even when two people share feelings, their love may be impossible due to special circumstances. These obstacles may include differences in age, culture, religion, geographic distance, or even incompatibility of character.

More sadly, it also happens that the love is not reciprocated, thus placing the person in love with a truly impossible love. Whatever the situation, overcoming this ordeal is often an immense challenge.

Tip 1: accept reality

According to Johanna Rozenblum, the essential first step is to accept the reality of the situation.

“You have to face reality and accept it, not be in denial or avoidance. Refusing to begin a romantic grieving process only delays the suffering and often leads to poor decisions,”

This acceptance is crucial to moving forward and avoiding getting lost in illusions.

Tip 2: distance yourself

The second advice from the expert is to “take this distance”.

“We have to empty our minds to move forward and relearn a daily life where we prove to ourselves that we can exist without the other,”

Distancing yourself allows you to rebuild yourself and gradually open yourself up to new encounters and experiences, opening the door to potential love elsewhere.

Tip 3: Avoid ruminating

Rozenblum also advises avoiding rumination and getting bogged down in remorse or regret. “Ruminating leaves us developing sterile hypotheses and theories that lead to nothing except a feeling of anger or guilt. These feelings can ultimately lead to anxiety-depressive symptoms.” It is important to turn your mind towards positive and constructive thoughts.

Tip 4: consult a psychologist

Finally, if the situation becomes too difficult to manage alone, Johanna Rozenblum recommends not hesitating to consult a psychologist. “Meeting a psychologist allows you to discuss your difficulties and obtain professional support to overcome this situation as best as possible,” she concludes.

By following these tips, it is possible to overcome the pain of an impossible love and gradually regain emotional balance. Acceptance, distancing, avoiding ruminations and professional help are essential steps to free yourself from this ordeal and prepare for new romantic possibilities.

Essential advice from a psychologist to forget an impossible love

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