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Fight against the criminal gangs of Viv ansanm in Hati like the Somalis facing the terrorist group Al-Shabaab

  • May 24, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 19

The gang at Barbecue, Izo -5 Segond, Lanmo 100 Hou, Kraze Baryè grouped within the criminal organization “Viv ansanm” leaves the population no other choice than a fierce fight until pure elimination and simple of these armed criminal groups.

For less than 72 hours, this coalition of criminal gangs has embarked on a campaign to destroy symbols of the Haitian National Police (PNH). The sub-police stations of Corail Cesse-Lesse, Pont-Rouge, Martissant and Grand-Ravine were demolished by gangs grouped within “Viv ansanm”. These infrastructures extend the list of other police installations, looted, vandalized and burned, such as the Civil Prison and the Croix-des-Bouquet police station.

Using mechanical excavators and tractors, the bandits initiate operations aimed at dislodging the PNH from strategic areas to strengthen their criminal agenda. This campaign comes a few days before the deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti (MMSS).

Just yesterday these terrorist gangs murdered two American missionaries, the daughter and son-in-law of a member of the American Congress.

Faced with the implementation of such a criminal agenda, the fight against these “Viv ansanm” terrorist gangs in Haiti becomes a complex task which will require close collaboration between the security forces and the local population.

Here are some concrete examples illustrating the support and collaboration that the Haitian people could provide in this fight:

1. Information Sharing and Denunciations

Intelligence sharing by civilians is crucial for security forces. Local communities play a vital role in reporting suspicious activities and denouncing members of the “Viv ansanm” gang.

For example in Somalia:

– **Mogadishu Village**: In 2019, residents of Mogadishu provided crucial information about an Al-Shabaab militant network, allowing security forces to thwart several planned attacks.

– **Lower Shabelle region**: Farmers and residents regularly informed authorities of Al-Shabaab movements, helping prevent ambushes and attacks

2. Community Initiatives and Mobilization

Community initiatives can play an important role in resistance against “Viv ansanm” criminal gangs. Local communities are mobilizing to protect their villages and support security forces.

In Somalia for example

– **Local Militias (Ma’awisley)**: In some areas, local militias known as Ma’awisley have formed to fight Al-Shabaab. These groups, made up of armed civilians, collaborate with the Somali army to defend their lands.

– **Monitoring Committees**: Community monitoring committees have been set up in rural areas to monitor Al-Shabaab activities and alert authorities in the event of a threat.

3. Awareness and De-radicalization Campaigns

Awareness campaigns and de-radicalization programs are essential to reducing the influence of armed criminal gangs in Haiti. Community leaders, teachers and local NGOs can play a key role in these efforts.

The example of Somalia:

– **Education Programs**: Local schools and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) conduct educational programs to raise awareness among young people about the dangers of extremism. These programs aim to offer alternatives to radicalization.

– **Role of Religious Leaders**: Imams and religious leaders organize sermons and discussions to counter the ideology of Al-Shabaab and promote moderate and peaceful Islam.

4. Logistics and Humanitarian Support

The Haitian population can also provide logistical and humanitarian support to security forces and communities affected by the activities of criminal gangs.

In Somalia for example:

– **Provision of Food and Medicine**: Local communities and associations provide food, water and medicine to soldiers and civilians displaced by the fighting.

– **Housing Internally Displaced Persons**: Somali families often host internally displaced persons (IDPs) fleeing conflict zones, providing temporary shelter and material support.

5. Role of Women and Youth

Women and young people are key players in the fight against “Viv ansanm” criminal groups. They can engage in various initiatives to build community resilience and promote peace.

The example of Somalia:

– **Women’s Groups**: Women’s groups actively participate in peace campaigns and community development initiatives. They organize meetings to discuss safety and encourage civic participation.

– **Youth Involvement**: Young people are involved in economic and social development projects to reduce vulnerability to radicalization. Initiatives such as professional training and sports activities play an important role in this effort.

The fight against Barbecue, Izo -5 Second and other terrorist gang leaders cannot succeed without the active involvement and support of the Haitian population.

Through intelligence sharing, community initiatives, awareness campaigns, logistical support and the engagement of women and youth, the Haitian people can play a crucial role in resisting terrorism and promoting peace in their country.

Joint efforts between the civilian population and security forces can strengthen community resilience and contribute to the elimination of black and white criminal gangs.

Marcelin Montaigne