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Flashback, June 22, 2022 | The SDP is against the entry into force of Jovenel’s penal code. Will Mose, Conille, LeBlanc and Hercule publish this immoral and amoral penal code on June 24?

  • June 14, 2024
  • 11 Min
  • 11

In Haiti, do we need today a penal code allowing young people to have sexual relations from the age of 16 or to marry before the adult age of 18 or 21 or any other person to have sexual relations with animals or to launch the hunt for gangs recruiting child soldiers into their terrorist organization?

The penal code, described as “amoral” by the bishops, “infamous” by the Protestants and “scandalous” by André Michel, comes into force in 2022, recalls Helen La Lime on Friday February 18, 2022. The Prime Minister de facto, will Dr. Garry Conille, and his de facto Minister of Justice, Me Carlos Hercule, and Mr. LeBlanc publish the “immoral and amoral” penal code on June 24, in accordance with the presidential decree of June 2020?

On June 24, 2020, the Nation took note that the PHTK regime had just authoritatively published in the Moniteur, an “immoral”, illegal and unconstitutional penal code, but it had never thought that Me. André Michel, the senator Edmonde Supplice Beauzile and others, would some time later find themselves in the Tèt Kale camp for the application of this contested, controversial document or manage to maintain suspense until the last minute.

If André Michel spoke, shouldn’t we immediately see him as an authorized spokesperson for the Tèt Kale PHTK-SDP-Fusion-MTV coalition, whatever he says and does, according to Internet users criticizing him for its dangerous shift to the far right. He can no longer continue to play the role of interventionist when he is effectively managed by a group of heterogeneous allies, Internet users commented, minimizing his positions against a government to which he belongs.

André Michel who raised his voice on July 4, 2020 to denounce the policies and practices in force since the planned lapse of parliament so that Jovenel Moise managed to impose himself by taking a dwat a goch, according to him, repressive decrees, including “ the most repugnant penal code bequeathed to the future generation”, waited some 48 hours before the entry into force of the penal code Jovenel Moise (PHTK2), to speak out openly.

“The SDP is against the entry into force of Jovenel Moïse’s penal code,” Mr. Michel tweeted Wednesday evening. However, he did not announce the provisions that will be adopted if Dr. Ariel Henry, accused of violating the August 11 Agreement, were to put into effect on June 24, 2022, the four wishes of the late president in accordance with the wishes of the international community.

« No consensus is possible on this text, a real bone of contention“, admitted Master Michel calling the PHTK 3 regime of which he is a full member “ to avoid any unnecessary provocation“. He continued by stating that “ the country needs serenity to overcome insecurity and kidnapping » while ignoring the capture of the Palace of Justice by the gangs and the inability of “his coalition” to curb this serious crisis, almost two weeks old.

Friday February 18, 2022 ((–All this outcry against the publication of Jovenel Moise’s penal code on June 30, 2020, is, it seems, for nothing. Ariel Henry, like the infamous President Sudre Dartiguenave, Occupation of 1915, blindly obeyed, like a man without faith or law, the orders given to him.

Despite the ultimatum launched on July 8, 2020, by pastors of sects of Protestantism for the pure and simple postponement of the penal code which they described as “infamous”, the representative of the UN in Haiti, Sandra La Lime recalled Friday February 18, 2022 before the UN Security Council, that this famous text contested by the majority of Haitians, but dear to the PHTK and its local and international allies, comes into force in 2022, according to the wish of Jovenel Moise.

« The Haitian judicial system suffers from structural weaknesses“, noted La Lime, citing in particular the difficulties in renewing the mandates of judges, of a judicial system in decay. She felt that “more decisive action is needed to prepare for the entry into force of the Code of Criminal Procedure“, forgetting that the majority of Haitians rejected this imported and unsuitable project.

The new penal code, which should come into force in 2022, probably after the “ 3rd electoral tragedy 2022 PHTK“, programmed by the PHTK-SDP-Fusion-MTV coalition, was in 2020 the target of numerous criticisms from religious and political sectors who question its legitimacy.

Indeed, according to the statements made on July 7, 2020, by lawyer André Michel, from the democratic sector (SD), “ articles 221, 222 and 223 combined of the Penal Code of Jovenel Moïse, the President of the Republic can issue a simple decree to cancel the PETROCARIBE trials«.

André Michel raised his voice to denounce the policies and practices in force since the scheduled lapse of parliament so that Jovenel Moise managed to impose himself by taking a dwat a goch decrees, including the most repugnant penal code bequeathed to the future generation. « The right to do things with animals such as dogs, donkeys, pigs, goats. It is time for the people to stand up and remove Jovenel Moïse from power. We can’t wait for February 7, 2021« encouraged the political activist, not believing his eyes while reading one of the articles of the penal code dealing with sexual relations between man and animal.

Me. Michel who has not finished going through all the articles of the “penal code of Jovenel Moise” whose main architect is Michel Martelly in 2012, shouted “ to scandal » and specified that the application of the aforementioned articles could also clear any author and/or co-author “ massacres of La Saline, Bel-Air, Pont Rouge and other crimes committed by the PHTK regime«.

For their part, the Catholic bishops who described the new code as “amoral”, declared that he constitutes an attack on the essence of humanity, culture, faith and society.

They urged the apprentice dictator and usurper of title to “ not to bow to ideological pressures from wherever they come, not to engage the Haitian people, without consulting them, in this path which can only lead them to a collapse even more catastrophic than what we know today ».

The National Spiritual Council of the Churches of Haiti is not to be outdone in demanding the withdrawal of the project before July 25. CONASPEH threatens to take action, if the government insists in its approach to imposing hitherto prohibited practices on the Haitian people, raised Bishop Françoise Saint-Vil Villier on July 8, 2020.

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Rezo Nodwes