
Foot-Interview: At the UEFA microphone, Melchie Daëlle Dumornay gave her impressions before the final!

By: Peterson Pierre-Louis

A few days before the Women’s Champions League Final, the Haitian star gave an interview to UEFA media. Melchie Daëlle Dumornay reviewed her beginnings in Haitian football, her time at Stade de Reims and her arrival at Olympique Lyonnais until her great performance in the semi-final against PSG.

The Haitian star says he is honored to represent his country in this final. _“It will be my very first Champions League final. »_ she insisted.

On his beginnings in Haiti
_First of all, football is very special for us in Haiti. Everyone loves football in Haiti. We are real fans and we love this sport. If I had to describe what football is like for a girl like me in Haiti, I would say that I obviously faced difficulties because of my size and my gender, the fact that I am a girl._

_It was quite difficult at first, but once I started, we all fought for what we wanted and to be accepted. Most importantly, I was accepted by everyone. In my neighborhood, everyone knew my name._ she blurted out without a mistake.

On his arrival at OL
Corventina did not mince his words:
_Coming to Lyon was a dream, and now I have the impression of living this dream._

On his move to France at the age of 18 with Reims
_Moving from Haiti to France and settling into my new club was not easy. The culture on and off the field was new to me. What was good was that on the ground we didn’t have to speak the same language. We understood each other because we spoke the language of football._ she confessed.

She continues on this point by saying:
_However, I had a little more difficulty adapting to the culture off the field. I had very good teammates who were able to support me and guide me in those moments._

On playing in Lyon
_As you may know, coming to Lyon was a dream, and I feel like I’m living this dream. I am very happy and I have teammates that I knew by name and that I now know. So I’m very happy and it’s going very well. We have a fairly close-knit group and I think that’s what made the difference despite the difficulties we encountered at the start of the season._ she declared relentlessly.

On playing under the direction of Sonia Bompastor
_The coach, Sonia, improved my game a lot. I think she already knew me for a few years. She saw a lot of my development and saw abilities in me that I wasn’t aware of. She also helped me better understand who I was as a person, so she played an important role in that._

On his contribution to the comeback in the semi-final against Paris
If I was able to play as well as I did against Paris in the semi-final, it’s thanks to the whole team. So I’m very happy to be able to help the team by scoring and to help my teammates score. This is what I wanted to do at the start of the season and I achieved it, so I’m very happy.

On the final
_First of all, it’s very special. This will be my very first Champions League final. I am very honored to be able to represent my country on such an important stage. There will be many people from my country who will want to come and witness this special moment. I am very honored, and now I am focusing on myself and my team to prepare in the best possible way for this extremely important final._ she uttered vehemently.

Statements proving that Melchie understands herself and sets goals. While waiting for the grand final of the Women’s Champions League, the Haitian superstar retraced her journey from Haiti to this final which will be played in Bilbao at the San Mamès Stadium. This interview is a recognition of the UEFA women’s champions league on the quality and the size of talents that Corventina is.

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