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Haiti-Crisis: Revelations of maneuvers by Michel Martelly and his allies to obtain amnesty in favor of armed gangs

  • May 21, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 19

P-au-P, 21 from 2024 [Alterpresse] — The allies of former President Joseph Michel Martelly (May 14, 2011 – February 7, 2016), within the Presidential Transitional Council (Cpt), would have discreetly launched a proposal, according to which an amnesty could be granted to armed gangs , which have caused, particularly since 2021, numerous harms (assassinations by bullets, acts of kidnapping, theft, rape, fires and other acts of terror and violence) to the population, declared officials close to the negotiations for the appointment of a new prime minister in Haiti, reveals the American newspaper The New York Times, consulted by the online agency AlterPresse.

This proposal would also have been made as part of broader immunity for former government officials who could be accused of corruption, argues The New York Times.

Michel Martelly himself is said to have put pressure on Caribbean leaders and his political allies, to try to influence the composition of the next transitional government.

“I categorically deny these unfounded allegations of active interference in the transition council,” Martelly rejected, in a statement to the New York Times, calling these accusations politically motivated.

“I have never had any involvement with gangs and I have never referred to amnesty to anyone.”

Martelly’s former government was accused of widespread corruption, including embezzling aid worth around $2 billion (PetroCaribe program funds) from Venezuela, The New York Times recalls.

On November 20, 2022, the Government of Canada decided to sanction former president Joseph Michel Martelly and two former prime ministers, Laurent Salvador Lamothe and Jean Henry Céantsuspected of being in cahoots with armed gangs in Haiti.

The Government of Canada also announced sanctions against senator Rony Célestin, former senator Hervé Fourcand and former deputy Gary Bodeauwho used, according to him, their status in the public service in Haiti to fuel the activities of armed gangs.

November 3, 2022, the president of the remaining third of the Haitian senate, Joseph Lambert, and the former president of the grand corps, Youri Latortue, were also sanctioned for criminal activities, including drug traffickingby Canada and the United States.

These sanctions were imposed, in 2022, by Canada and the United States on Martelly as well as on other Haitian politicians, for having protected and empowered local gangs “in particular through money laundering and “other acts of corruption,” continues The New York Times.

“The idea of ​​an amnesty could add fuel to the fire if Haitians are not consulted,” given the inability of politicians to come together at this moment of crisis, declared Romain Le Cour , security analyst in Haiti, at the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.

“No amnesty for gangs!” These criminals, who murdered, kidnapped, impoverished and humiliated tens of thousands of families must be hunted down with the greatest rigor,” wrote, on his X account, Me. Michel André, close to the de facto Prime Minister, Ariel Henry , recently forced to resign.

Friday October 7, 2022, “Ariel Henry and his political allies requested and negotiated a multinational force to eliminate gangs from the socio-political landscape. We are convinced that the country does not need these thugs, who kidnap, murder, rape and steal! “.

“Politicians of all stripes, who seek amnesty for gang leaders, in exchange for their support for the next electoral campaigns, will not succeed,” Michel André further underlined.

The former police officer Guy Philippe, who declares that he advocates a so-called “peaceful” “revolution”, had suggested that he would be ready to implement an amnesty program for gang leaders in Haiti, once elected presidentin an interview with the Reuters news agency (founded in 1851 in London).

Me. Michel André asks the Haitian State to fight armed gangs, with the support of the Multinational Security Support Mission (Mmas)which should be deployed soon in Haiti.

The deployment of a Multinational Security Support Mission (Mmas) in Haiti has been authorized by the United Nations Security Council since Monday October 2, 2023.

It follows a robust request for assistance, made on Friday October 7, 2022, by the de facto government of Ariel Henry in favor of the Haitian National Police (PNH), in the fight against armed gangs.

Arrival in Haiti of a first group of Kenyans

A delegation of Kenyan officials arrived on Monday, May 20, 2024 in Haiti, as part of an assessment of the preparations of the Multinational Security Support Mission (Mmas) in the countryindicated the American newspaper Miami Herald.

This first evaluation team is responsible for inspecting the construction of the base to host the Mmas, not far from the international airport of Port-au-Prince, where international and national airline flights have been canceled, following the attacks by armed bandits since Thursday February 29, 2024.

The delegation is expected to remain in Haiti throughout the week and participate in several meetings, including with the United Nations Integrated Office in Port-au-Prince, reports Miami Herald.

The mission force commander is part of this delegation.

The first Kenyan contingent is expected to consist of a few hundred police and support staff, according to sources cited by Miami Herald.

The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Jamaica, Belize, Benin, Chad and Kenya have officially notified United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres of Portugal of their intention to provide personnel to the support mission to combat armed gangs in Haiti.

From January to March 2024, more than 2,500 people, including at least 82 children, have been killed or injured following gang violenceaccording to the United Nations. [emb rc apr 21/05/2024 11:45]