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Haiti-Crisis: Several ministers already installed in their positions

  • June 14, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 7

P-to-P, June 14, 2024 [AlterPresse] — Several ministers of the new transition government led by Dr Garry Conille are already installed in their new functions, since Wednesday June 12, 2024, observes the online agency AlterPresse.

During his installation as the new holder of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (Mjsp), on Wednesday June 12, 2024, Me Carlos Hercule claims to fully appreciate the importance of this function and the challenges that accompany it.

Me Carlos Hercule calls for the collaboration of senior civil servants of his ministry, the Superior Council of the Judicial Power (Cspj), associations of magistrates and lawyers, the Bars of the Republic and the National Police of Haiti (Pnh), among other things, to relieve the suffering of the population left to its own devices

Complexity of legal and security issues

The former president of the Bar Association of Port-au-Prince and former president of the Federation of Haitian Bars (Fbh) reports a particularly volatile context where violence reigns supreme and where legal and security issues are numerous and complex.

The judicial system faces challenges that paralyze its regular functioning, he notes.

The holder of the Mjsp believes that it is necessary to adopt essential provisions for concrete results, while promising to tackle this task with integrity and impartiality.

Measures will be taken to thwart the criminal actions of armed bandits and gradually improve security on the national territory, he announced.

The security situation, which left much to be desired before the tragic assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, was going to worsen with phenomena of organized crime such as the radicalization of armed groups, the siege of large peripheral towns and departments in particular Artibonite and the ‘West, points out Mr. Carlos Hercule.

After his installation as Prime Minister of the transition, on Wednesday June 12, Dr Garry Conille was also invested the same day in his functions as holder of the Ministry of the Interior and local authorities (Mict).

He is committed to facing the major challenges falling within the responsibilities of the Mict, such as the restoration of security, the coordination of communities, and the control of migratory flows.

Strengthening information services and Fad’h capacities

The criminologist Jean Marc Berthier Antoine was installed as the new Minister of Defense, during a ceremony held on Wednesday June 12, 2024, led by the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Carlos Hercule.

Faced with the deterioration of the country’s security environment, Antoine plans to put in place a defense policy based on a database system including both local and international information, during his speech.

He also plans to take a set of measures to help strengthen the capacities of the Armed Forces of Haiti (Fad’h), while committing to strengthening military cooperation with countries in the region.

The recovery and creation of new military training and training camps, the reorganization of the Military Academy and the establishment of a structure aimed at health coverage for the military are among the objectives targeted by the new Minister of defense.

While saying he is aware of his responsibilities in these difficult times, Dr Georges fils Brignol is committed to paving his way towards efficiency, during his inauguration as holder of the Ministry of Public Health and Population, on Thursday 13 June 2024.

His installation ceremony took place in the presence of the new head of the Ministry of National Education and Professional Training (Menfp), Antoine Augustin, the outgoing Minister of the MSPP, Dr Alex Larsen, and several officials from the new government. , the director general of the Mspp, Dr Lauré Adrien, the director general of the National Ambulance Center (Can), among others.

During his installation, on Wednesday June 12, 2024, the holder of the Menfp, Professor Antoine Augustin said he was considering rapid discussions with all executives of the ministry, the teaching unions, the association of school directors, in order to find the ways to correct everything that deserves to be corrected, according to the government’s roadmap.

He plans to examine all major projects of the ministry such as the Curriculum Orientation Framework, the Single Book Program in Haitian Creole, the teaching and evaluation of the four new subjects in basic classes.

Antoine Augustin was also installed this Friday, June 14 as Minister of Culture and Communication.

He guaranteed the strengthening of the country’s cultural sector, which must be used in the search for solutions to major national problems.

“The culture of the country is a strategic axis in the process of seeking unity and solidarity that we seek in the country. The country’s culture can help it emerge from its tragedy.”

During his installation on Thursday June 13, 2024, the new Minister of the Environment, Moise Jean Pierre Fils affirms his commitment to bequeathing to future generations a preserved environment and a more just and equitable society.

He says he recognizes the considerable challenges faced by ministry employees, ecological organizations and technical and financial partners.

Several other ministers have been installed in their positions such as the Minister of Trade and Industry James Monazard who also occupies the tourism portfolio, that of the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Georges Wilbert Franck.

In his speech for the occasion, Franck, teacher and trade unionist, had a special thought for the victims of the violence which has sowed mourning among Haitian families in recent years.

He insisted on the situation of children, raped women and girls, internally displaced people who live in degrading conditions and decapitalized families, plunged into unemployment. [emb gp apr 14/06/2024 12 :55]