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Haiti-Crisis: The multinational security force will be under the overall control of the Haitian police authorities, according to the Cpt

  • May 21, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 12

P-au-P, 21 from 2024 [AlterPresse] — “Haiti, through the Haitian National Police, will have overall control over the operations, on the ground, of the Multinational Security Support Mission (Mmas).

This clarification is provided by the Presidential Transitional Council (Cpt), in a note published on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, following a working session with the High Staff of the National Police of Haiti (Pnh) and which the online agency AlterPresse became aware of.

Whether it is the composition, objectives, rules of engagement and health control of the troops, everything will be coordinated and supervised by the Haitian police authorities, underlines Cpt.

The Multinational Security Support Mission, created by Resolution 2699 of the United Nations (UN) Security Council, should be deployed to Haiti before the end of May 2024.

During the meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the Cpt spoke with the ad interim director general of the Pnh, Frantz Elbé, and members of the hierarchy of the police institution around the operationalization of the Mmas.

The deployment of a Multinational Security Support Mission (Mmas) in Haiti has been authorized by the United Nations Security Council since Monday October 2, 2023.

It follows a robust request for assistance, formulated on Friday October 7, 2022, by the de facto government of Ariel Henry in favor of the Haitian National Police (PNH), in the fight against armed gangs.

A delegation of Kenyan officials arrived on Monday, May 20, 2024 in Haiti, as part of an assessment of the preparations of the Multinational Security Support Mission (Mmas) in the countryindicated the American newspaper Miami Herald.

This first evaluation team is responsible for inspecting the construction of the base to host the Mmas, not far from the international airport of Port-au-Prince, where international and national airline flights have been canceled, following the attacks by armed bandits since Thursday February 29, 2024.

The delegation is expected to stay in Haiti throughout the week and participate in several meetings, including with the Haitian National Police and the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (Binuh), reports the American newspaper Miami Herald.

The next Mmas commander is part of this delegation.

The first Kenyan contingent is expected to consist of a few hundred police and support staff, according to sources cited by Miami Herald.

The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Jamaica, Belize, Benin, Chad and Kenya have officially notified the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Portuguese Antonio Guterres, of their intention to provide personnel to the Mmas to fight armed gangs in Haiti.

From January to March 2024, more than 2,500 people, including at least 82 children, were killed or injured following violence committed by gangs, according to the United Nations. [emb rc apr 21/05/2024 15:55]