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Haiti: Lack of essential equipment delays deployment of Kenyan troops, reports Miami Herald

  • May 22, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 17

Kenya police deployment to Haiti faces delay amid critical equipment shortages

The long-planned multinational security mission for Haiti, led by Kenya, is unlikely to deploy this week, disappointing hopes in Washington, Nairobi and Port-au-Prince that the mission will begin during the official visit of Kenyan President William Ruto at the White House on Thursday.

It remains possible that the deployment could begin by May 23, an unofficial deadline set for the mission’s launch, coinciding with Ruto’s formal engagements with President Joe Biden. However, a delay in the delivery of armored vehicles and helicopters equipped for medical evacuations could push the deployment back to early June, according to a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive details of the mission.

The official told McClatchy and the Miami Herald that Kenya, which leads the 2,500-member security force, has agreed with the Haitian government on rules of engagement for security personnel, who could facing fierce opposition from well-armed Haitian gangs who have taken control of the capital and overwhelmed local police.

However, the agreement has not yet been put in writing or submitted to the United Nations Security Council, a prerequisite for the start of the Multinational Security Mission (MSM).

Capitol aides briefed on the situation also told McClatchy and the Herald that they expect a delay in the rollout.

“The latest news we heard is that it won’t be possible by the end of the week,” said a parliamentary aide, who asked to remain anonymous to speak openly about the situation. “They face very harsh realities in terms of equipment logistics. »

source: Kenya police deployment to Haiti faces delay into June | Miami Herald