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Haiti – Security: Bandits routed, Gressier police station retaken

  • July 2, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 2

Haiti – Security: Bandits in disarray, Gressier police station retaken
02/07/2024 08:54:38

At least 20 residents were killed by members of the gang coalition “Vivre Ensemble” led by “Barbecue” who attacked on Sunday June 30, 2024, the commune of Gressier (South of Port-au-Prince) and regained control of the commune’s police station for the 2nd time in less than 3 months

Jean Vladimir Bertrand, Gressier’s interim executive agent, deplored a heavy provisional toll. On Sunday night alone, about twenty people were killed in their homes and several houses were set on fire, sometimes with their occupants. There is no final report on the number of victims yet. Jean Vladimir Bertrand has requested emergency assistance from the police as the bandits plan to demolish the police station with heavy machinery.

Carlos Hercule, informed of the situation in Gressier, assured the media on the sidelines of his prison tour on Monday July 1st, that “The police were working actively to provide an adequate response to the bandits…”

Last minute : On Monday, July 1st, in a muscular counteroffensive, the Haitian National Police (PNH) regained control of the Gressier Police Station, routing the bandits whose leader “Ti Bébé Bougoy” boasted the day before in a video of being stronger than the police, challenging them to come and attack him… Several bandits were fatally injured during the recapture of the Police Station by members of the PNH’s specialized units. The heavy machinery for the demolition of the police station is in the hands of the municipality.

PI/ HaitiLibre

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