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Haiti: The first 100 Kenyan police officers arrived as peacekeepers

  • May 24, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 11

Kenyan police officers | © Google

A delegation from Kenya arrived in Haiti on Tuesday to prepare for the effective deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission. The first 100 Kenyan police officers who are part of this delegation led by the Deputy Inspector General of the Kenyan police, Noor Gabow are arrived in the country as peacekeepers, reports the media. “The Kenyan Star”.

THE HAITI FACTOR, May 24, 2024._The Kenyan press, notably the journal “The Star Kenyan” revealed certain information on the delegation from Nairobi to Haiti, in Port-au-Prince.

According to the newspaper in question, at least 100 Kenyan police officers are part of this delegation led by the deputy inspector general of police administration, Noor Gabow.

« These first 100 Kenyan police officers are deployed to Haiti as peacekeepers,” we read in the columns of the Journal.

Drcongo Kenya Army Conflict
Kenyan police officers | Photo ALEXIS HUGUET AFP

He added that the other 900 remaining out of the 1,000 proposed by the Kenyan Government should follow slowly in the coming days.

However, their deployment scheduled for Thursday, May 23, is delayed for June due to lack of materials, reported Miami Herald, citing a source from the American Government.

Noor Gabow, the newspaper continued, will serve as Force Commander of the multinational security support mission.

Taking photos between members of the Kenyan delegation and Haitian personalities during their visit to Port au Prince| © GH

Visiting the United States, Kenyan President William Ruto welcomes the deployment of his country’s soldiers in Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). And this is why, he argues, Haiti is no exception.

“This deployment is also our responsibility and Haiti should be no exception. This is why the deployment of 1,000 security men in Haiti demonstrates the same conviction and the same commitment to peace and security,” he said.

The President said that Kenya’s participation in the peacekeeping mission in Haiti demonstrates Kenya’s belief in the peace and security of humanity. It is not the result of pressure from the United States.

Kenyan President William Ruto visits the United States and holds talks with his American counterpart Joe Biden © Reuters

« We don’t think the United States engages Kenya, because it can’t engage Kenya. I am the President of Kenya and it is up to me to make this decision. It is up to the people of Kenya to engage their troops using their structures.” he suggested.

William Ruto is firm in the idea that Kenya and other countries participating in the mission can put an end to crime in Haiti which has no nationality, family or religion, he said.


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Le Facteur Haiti