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Haitian Embassy in Qatar and IOM organize roundtable on remittances and migration Doha

  • June 14, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 11

The Haitian embassy near the State of Qatar and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) organized a roundtable on remittances and migration in Doha.

As a prelude to the International Day of Family Remittances, usually celebrated on June 16, a round table was organized at the initiative of the Haitian embassy near the State of Qatar and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This event, held on June 11 at the United Nations House in Qatar, brought together more than thirty ambassadors, heads of mission, as well as representatives of the World Bank and the private sector, around the theme of remittances and migration.

This first in a series of planned discussions aimed to highlight several crucial points:

  1. The leading role of the diaspora in the development of its country of origin and the socio-economic and cultural enrichment it brings to its host country.
  2. The immense and still untapped potential of remittances as a development player in the global financial ecosystem.
  3. The support that diplomatic and consular missions can provide to the objectives of optimizing remittances from the diaspora, as an innovative financing tool for development.

Ambassador François Guillaume II, moderator of the round table, accompanied by Ms. Vichy De La Fayette Thibeaud, Minister-Counsellor, welcomed the rich and constructive discussions of this august assembly and the recommendations that resulted from them.

Warm thanks were extended to Ms. Ewa Naqvi, Head of Mission of theOIMand to his deputy Mr. Shabarinath Nair, for their collaboration in organizing this important initiative.

During his speech, Ambassador William II paid a vibrant tribute to the Haitian diaspora: “Tribute to our diaspora, which through thick and thin, contributes more than 20% of GDP in remittances to our economy; tribute to our diaspora which, with the frank collaboration of its brothers and sisters of the Alma Mater, together represents an inestimable and indomitable source of economic and social development for the country. »

The unifying message, “Kit or Deyò, Kit or Anndan Nou Tout se Ayisyen. Ann Rasanble Anba Drapo Nou,” closed the session, emphasizing the importance of unity and collaboration for the development of Haiti.

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