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Hati: A first group of 400 Kenyan police officers arrived in Port-au-Prince

  • June 25, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 6

P-to-P, June 25, 2024 [AlterPresse] — A first contingent of 400 Kenyan police officers from the Multinational Security Support Mission (Mmas) in Haiti arrived this Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in Port-au-Prince, noted AlterPresse.

The Kenya Airways flight, which was carrying the police officers, landed at 9:16 a.m. (1:16 p.m. GMT) at Toussaint Louverture International Airport.

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Kenyan police officers left Nairobi on Monday, June 24, 2024, for Haiti, where they will lead a multinational force against armed gangs, who are terrorizing the Haitian population.

They are part of 1,000 police officers that Kenya will provide to the mission, authorized on Monday October 2, 2023, by the United Nations.

Before their departure, the police officers were greeted by Kenyan President William Ruto.

“The presence of our police officers in Haiti will bring relief to the men, women and children, whose lives have been shattered by gang violence,” Ruto wrote on his X account.

Other countries such as Benin, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados and Chad have said they want to participate in the mission.

The gang coalition called Live Together controls 80% of the capital, where it multiplies abuses, in particular murders, rapes, looting and kidnappings for ransoms.

More than 2,500 people were killed or injured in the first three months of 2024 in Haiti.

A new interim director general, Rameau Normil, took charge of the police on Friday June 21, 2024, promising to crack down with the utmost rigor against armed gangs..

The population is also facing a serious humanitarian crisis, with shortages of food, medicine and other basic goods. [apr 25/06/2024 10:00]