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Hati-Criminality: Assassination of a couple of American missionaries and a Haitian missionary

  • May 24, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 14

P-au-P, 24 from 2024 [AlterPresse] — Three people, including a couple of American missionaries, Natalie (Baker) Lloyd and Davy Lloyd, as well as a Haitian Jude Montis, were shot dead during an attack by armed bandits in the evening from Thursday May 22, 2024, in Lizon, in Plaine du Cul de Sac (north of the capital, Port-au-Prince), according to information gathered by the online agency AlterPresse.

Natalie (Baker) Lloyd, Davy Lloyd and Jude Montis were in charge of an orphanage in Plaine du Cul de Sac

“My heart is broken into a thousand pieces. I have never felt this kind of pain. Most of you know that my daughter Natalie and son-in-law Davy Lloyd are full-time missionaries in Haiti. They were attacked by gangs tonight and were both killed,” said Missouri Republican State Representative Ben Baker.

“They went to heaven together. Please pray for my family, we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I have no other words at the moment,” says Ben Baker.

“We are all devastated,” wrote the Christian nonprofit organization Missions In Haiti, founded in July 2000. [[1]after the assassination of these three missionaries.

“God bless Davy and Natalie. Such a tragedy. Haiti is completely out of control. Find the Killers Now!!! “wrote former US President Donald Trump on Truth Social, his social media platform.

Acts of crime and kidnapping continue with impunity across Haiti, particularly in the metropolitan area of ​​the capital, Port-au-Prince, controlled by armed gangs.

Six (6) Roman Catholic nuns from the Congregation of the Sisters of Sainte-Anne were kidnapped by heavily armed individuals, Friday morning, January 19, 2024, in Port-au-Princethen released on the evening of Wednesday January 24, 2024.

The armed civilians also kidnapped the driver and a teacher, who were aboard the nuns’ vehicle.

On the morning of Saturday, October 16, 2021, 16 American missionaries and 1 Canadian missionary, including family members and childrenwere kidnapped by heavily armed individuals on the road to Ganthier (municipality northeast of the capital, Port-au-Prince).

Most of the missionaries were held captive for 61 days, before finally being released.

On Sunday April 11, 2021, nearly ten Roman Catholic religious men and women, including two Frenchhad been kidnapped and kidnapped by the 400 Mawozo gang, before being released on April 30, 2021, against ransom. [emb rc apr 24/05/2024 13:35]

[[1] Missions In Haiti by David and Alicia Lloyd aims to spread the Gospel of Christ in the lives of young people in Haiti. The organization, which provides care for children and their families, has a children’s home, House of Compassion, which has 36 children. She opened a home for boys, two churches and three schools in Haiti, through projects financed by her loyal supporters in the United States of America.