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Hati: The candidacy of Paul Antoine Bien-Aim for the post of Prime Minister endorsed by numerous organizations

  • May 23, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 15

Paul Antoine Bien-Aimé candidate for Prime Minister

Paul Antoine Bien-Aimé is one of the personalities in the race to take control of the Haitian Prime Minister as the next head of the Transitional Government. His candidacy is endorsed and supported by a host of civil society organizations including the National Association of City Delegates, the National Association of Former Local Elected Officials, organizations from the evangelical and educational sector and the Movement for National Sovereignty, FENACAH and FENASECH, among others.

THE HAITI FACTOR, May 23, 2024._To confirm their support for Paul Antoine Bien-Aimé, the leaders of these organizations sent correspondence to the Presidential Transitional Council.

Through the document, the signatory entities portray their candidate as the ideal profile to help the Presidential Transitional Council resolve the crises facing the country.

They persist and sign that the former Minister of the Interior and Territorial Communities has the capacity to understand the current security situation in the country and to help the Presidential Advisors to plug the gaps to attract foreign investors and enable the economy of the country to breathe a breath of fresh air.

The choice of signatory organizations is based on the experience of Paul Antoine Bien-Aimé after his successful stint in the public service, they said.

She continues by affirming that her ability to dialogue with all the vital forces of the Nation is an asset for the country. And this is why he should be the potential choice of the Presidential Transitional Council to lead the next political transition.

It should also be remembered that the Transitional Presidential Council has announced that it will communicate to the Nation the identity of the next Prime Minister designate by the end of the week.


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Le Facteur Haiti