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Hayti: No to foreign military occupation! No guardianship!

  • May 22, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 19
Down with the American occupation in Hayti

Since 1806 the Haytian ruling classes have always joined forces with the slave-holding powers to maintain neo-colonialism over the mass of recently freed slaves.

Already in 1825, the government of Jean Pierre Boyer had capitulated, agreeing to pay colonialist France the ransom for independence of 150 million francs, equivalent to nearly 120 billion dollars today at a rate of 5%. the year. To make matters worse, the government published the rural code restoring the conditions of slavery.

Later, in December 1914, the USA came to plunder the gold reserves of the National Bank of Hayti to transport them to New York without ever returning them to the public treasury for 110 years. Six months later, the American marines landed with the complicity of the ruling classes of the time for a military occupation which would last 19 years until 1934. If in fact the occupiers withdrew under pressure from the poor peasantry and progressives at the time, they had massacred the peasants of Marchaterre and introduced forced labor (corvee) and until today hinder the socio-economic development of the country by installing corrupt leaders without experience at the head of the State through bogus elections.

The political and economic occupation has continued since then, the United States of America (USA) continues to fuel socio-political crises to intervene as arsonists without ever resolving them.

The Western imperialist (France USA Canada) fuels insecurity in Hayti and claims to help us find a Haytian solution to their crisis. Their embassies control the country’s politics and economy, they destabilize the national economy through structural adjustments imposed by the IMF, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

The current situation is the immediate consequence of foreign military interventions from 1915 to 1934, that of 1994, and 2004 reducing the capacities of the State to ensure the physical security of the nation, as evidenced by the impertinence of the Dominican Republic during the construction of the dignity canal and the cases of kidnappings, rapes, shootings, massacres of armed gangs under the control of the private business sector, PHTK politicians and its allies from the Embassy of Western countries.

The United States of North America establishes a new military base in preparation for the arrival of the special security mission force; the progressive vanguard of the struggle of the popular masses must denounce at all times and in all places the arrival of a new international force in Hayti.

We need a real revolution in the country to end the domination of capitalist and imperialist powers. Facts are stubborn, said Lenin Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. The organization of the popular masses and their awareness is the best formula for revolutionary popular mobilization.

Organized and aware popular mobilization is the only remedy for imperialist interference, the criminality of armed gangs, Macoute arrogance and bourgeois and capitalist exploitation.

Let us demand from slave-holding France the restitution of the ransom of independence and reparation for slavery with a view to rebuilding our dear homeland.



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Henriot Dorcent