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How to attack criminal armed gangs and not their victims fleeing lost territories

  • June 22, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 9

When we want to attack armed criminal gangs we do not begin to attack some of its victims by threatening those who, fleeing their violence, have deserted the offices of the Public Administration located in “lost territories”. (Dan pouri gen fos sou bannann mi)

In Haiti, it is those who created the conditions that generated the security crisis who also impose the helms of the State on those who have managed it for more than five years.

Ariel, Elbe, Conille and Rameau, to name just a few, were selected by the same hands and the same “stable” who imposed Martelly, Jovenel, Privert at the head of the Haitian state.

The planned insecurity causing nearly a million internally and externally displaced people, massacres and serial rapes for more than 3 years is in fact managed by men placed at the head of the National Police of Haiti and the Prime Minister who are today ignores the true mission.

To solve the complex problem of criminal gangs, there is a whole series of actions that they will never take. They have no instruments in this sense.

For example, like President Bukele in El Salvador and in addition to strong security measures, they will never launch economic development initiatives in at-risk neighborhoods. This would include employment, education and infrastructure programs aimed at reducing socio-economic factors that contribute to gang recruitment and crime.

How many times during the 36 months of Ariel Henry’s failed government, have we seen him take actions showing a multidimensional approach, like Bukele in El Salvador, to solve the complex problem of gangs, combining harsh repression, support for victims? , community development and international cooperation?

This was not his mission, nor that of the Director General of the PNH Frantz Elbe.

When we want to attack armed criminal gangs we do not start attacking certain victims by threatening those who, fleeing their violence, have deserted public offices located in lost territories. (Dan pouri gen fos sou bannann mi)

This is how a government, that of President Bukele in El Salvador, which truly wants to fight armed criminal gangs, goes about it:

1.**Declaration of war on gangs** : Bukele took a tough approach towards gangs, describing them as enemies of the state.

Since coming to power, Bukele has adopted a rhetoric and policy of direct confrontation towards the gangs. He has regularly called them enemies of the state, emphasizing the need for strong action to restore public safety.

2. **National security operation** : He launched the National Security Operation to strengthen the presence of the army and police in areas plagued by crime.

The National Security Operation was launched to coordinate efforts between the army and the national police to strengthen the presence in high-risk areas. This operation aims to disarm gangs, arrest their members and dismantle their criminal networks.

3. **State of emergency in prisons** : Bukele imposed a state of emergency in prisons to control gang activities inside and prevent outside communications.

Faced with the threat posed by gangs inside prisons, Bukele declared a state of prison emergency. This measure aims to regain control of penitentiary establishments, prevent communication between gang members and prevent escapes.

4. **Confinement strict** : It imposed strict containment measures to limit the movements of gang members and reduce criminal activities.

In response to escalating gang-related violence, strict lockdown measures have been imposed in the worst-affected areas. This includes curfews and movement restrictions to limit criminal gang activity and protect civilians.

5. **”Super Mano Dura” program** : He relaunched an intensified anti-gang program, “Super Mano Dura,” to increase arrests and convictions.

: This enhanced anti-gang program, known as “Super Hand of Steel,” aims to intensify arrests, searches and convictions of gang members. It is often accompanied by targeted raids and public awareness campaigns against organized crime.

6. **Support for gang victims** : Bukele has established support programs for gang victims and their families to offer them protection and financial assistance.

Recognizing the devastating impact of gangs on communities, Bukele established victim support programs. This includes financial assistance, increased protection and rehabilitation measures for those affected by gang violence.

7. **Technology and monitoring** : He used technology to increase gang surveillance, including the use of drones and security cameras.

To improve the efficiency of security operations, the government has invested in advanced surveillance technologies. This includes the use of drones for aerial surveillance, as well as the installation of security cameras in sensitive areas to monitor gang activity and prevent crimes.

8. **Legislative reforms**: He proposed legislative reforms to toughen penalties against gang members and those involved in serious criminal activity.

Bukele has proposed legislative reforms aimed at toughening penalties against gang members and those involved in serious crimes like drug trafficking, extortion and homicide. These reforms aim to deter criminal activity by increasing the risks and consequences for offenders.

9. **International cooperation**: Bukele has sought increased cooperation with other countries to share intelligence and combat transnational gangs.

Faced with the transnational nature of the gangs, Bukele sought to strengthen cooperation with other countries. This includes sharing intelligence, coordinating cross-border security operations and combating drug trafficking and money laundering associated with gangs.

10. **Economic development of communities at risk** : Alongside the crackdown, it has launched economic development programs to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities that contribute to gang recruitment.

Celimène Fratus

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