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Music: 2 Pye n nan Dlo, Mic-O’s cry of distress for Haiti

  • May 21, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 23

A poignant song for the celebration of the Haitian flag

On May 18, the day of celebration of the Haitian flag, Mic-O, whose real name is Clervois Michel, unveiled his latest musical creation entitled “2 Pye n nan Dlo”. This poignant song is more than just a work of art; it is a window open to the suffering and hopes of an entire people. Through words imbued with realism and compassion, the artist exposes the pain and challenges that Haiti faces.

A cry from the heart in the face of poverty

“2 Pye n nan Dlo” resonates like a cry from the heart in the face of the poverty and omnipresent violence in Haiti. The singer directly addresses the chaotic situations that plunge the country into disarray: poverty, bloody conflicts, and daily despair. The song evokes a nation in distress, where the people find themselves, in the words of the artist, “in a mess”. This graphic expression perfectly illustrates the state of crisis and disillusionment weighing on Haitians.

A message of hope

Despite the dark picture he paints, Mic-O does not give in to fatalism. “2 Pye n nan Dlo” also carries a message of hope. The singer, deeply attached to his homeland, expresses his desire to see a better Haiti emerge. He draws this hope from his roots and his faith. Coming from a Christian family, he believes in a future where the resilience and solidarity of the Haitian people can triumph over current challenges.

A committed artistic approach

2 Feet in the Water” is part of a committed artistic approach. Mic-O uses his art to raise awareness and mobilize, offering his listeners not only a melody, but also a reflection on Haitian reality. His music becomes a means of struggle and resilience, a call for collective awareness and action for a better future.

A multi-talented artist

Born in Gonaïves, Clervois Michel is a multi-talented artist. Before devoting himself fully to music, he practiced as a lawyer at the St-Marc bar. A language translator, Mic-O is also a singer, composer and film actor. His training in various fields of art, particularly in musical writing technique, enriches his artistic approach and allows him to create deeply moving and authentic works.

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