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Non-medical Ministers of Health: case studies and their achievements

  • June 13, 2024
  • 9 Min
  • 7

Attention! You don’t need to be a doctor to be the General Administrator of HUEH, HLPG, HJCH…

In other cases, Haiti had a Minister of Justice who was not a lawyer and the wife of the land pedi was a zero bar in the field of justice…

The allocation of health ministerial portfolios to figures without medical training is a practice which, although controversial, has proven successful in various contexts. This text explores the cases of several non-medical health ministers around the world, analyzing their achievements and the implications of such appointments on public health governance.

Case Studies: Achievements and Impact

Matt Hancock in the United Kingdom

Matt Hancock, appointed Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the UK in 2018, is a relevant example. A graduate in philosophy, politics and economics from the University of Oxford and a master’s degree in economics from the University of Cambridge, Hancock had no medical training. Under his tenure, he introduced major reforms, including the integration of digital technologies into the health system. One of his significant achievements was the creation of the NHS COVID-19 app, which aimed to trace contacts and inform citizens in real time. According to National Health Service (NHS, 2020), this application has played a key role in the management of the pandemic in the United Kingdom.

Rona Ambrose au Canada

Rona Ambrose, Canada’s Minister of Health from 2013 to 2015, had a background in women’s studies and political science. During her tenure, she promoted public health policies focused on prevention and harm reduction. The Controlled Substances and Precursors Act, which she introduced, improved access to treatment for drug users and strengthened the fight against opioids. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI, 2016), these initiatives have helped reduce drug-related overdose and death rates.

Liisa Hyssälä from Finland

In Finland, Liisa Hyssälä, a trained dentist and Minister of Health and Social Services from 2003 to 2010, implemented significant reforms to the social protection system. It has improved care for the elderly and strengthened the prevention of chronic diseases. According to Lehto and Blomgren (2009), its reforms have had a positive impact on social cohesion, demonstrating that a holistic, well-being-centered approach can be beneficial even without extensive medical training.

Greg Hunt in Australia

Greg Hunt, Australia’s Minister of Health since 2017, has a law degree from the University of Melbourne and a master’s degree in international relations from Yale. Under his leadership, the National Mental Health Plan was launched to improve mental health services and reduce the suicide rate. An evaluation by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW, 2020) showed an increase in access to mental health services and a decrease in suicide rates, highlighting the effectiveness of its initiatives.

Kathleen Sebelius in the United States

Kathleen Sebelius, United States Secretary of Health and Human Services from 2009 to 2014, has a background in political science. She oversaw the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), providing millions of Americans with access to health coverage. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation (2014) indicates that the number of uninsured declined significantly under his tenure, proving that public management skills can be instrumental in such positions.

Jens Spahn in Germany

In Germany, Jens Spahn, Minister of Health since 2018, has a degree in political science. He initiated reforms focused on the digitalization of health services with the “Gesundheit Digital” initiative. According to the Bertelsmann Stiftung (2019), this initiative improved the efficiency and quality of care, facilitating access to health services for patients.

Analysis and Outlook

Health ministers without medical training can bring new perspectives and diverse skills that enrich public health governance. Their success often relies on their ability to collaborate with medical experts and integrate diverse perspectives into decision-making. As Greer et al. point out. (2019), effective governance requires good cooperation between policy makers and health professionals.

However, lack of medical training can present challenges, including potentially clinically ill-informed decisions. A study by Tuohy et al. (2020) indicates that close collaboration between policy makers and medical experts is essential to ensure that health policies meet the needs of patients.

The cases of Matt Hancock, Rona Ambrose, Liisa Hyssälä, Greg Hunt, Kathleen Sebelius and Jens Spahn demonstrate that skills in management, economics, law and politics can be just as decisive as medical knowledge in health governance public. These ministers showed that an interdisciplinary approach can enrich the management of health systems, provided that medical expertise is integrated into the decision-making process.


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2020). National Mental Health Report. AIHW. Bertelsmann Foundation. (2019). Digital Health in Germany: Progress and Challenges. Bertelsmann Foundation. Greer, S. L., Wismar, M., Figueras, J., & McKee, M. (2019). Strengthening Health System Governance: Better Policies, Stronger Performance. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). (2016). Impact of Substance Use Legislation in Canada. ICIS Kaiser Family Foundation. (2014). The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Uninsured. Kaiser Family Foundation. Lehto, J., & Blomgren, J. (2009). Reforms in Finnish Social Services: From Wellbeing to Risk Management?. Journal of Social Policy. NHS. (2020). NHS COVID-19 App Report. National Health Service. Tuohy, C. H., Glied, S., & Stabile, M. (2020). Health Care Policy and Politics A to Z. Oxford University Press. Similar articles

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Rezo Nodwes