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Race for Prime Minister: Ronsard St Cyr is selling out on the main axes of his political agenda

  • May 21, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 13
Ronsard St Cyr, former Secretary of State for Public Security/ Photo: MCC

The former Secretary of State for Public Security, Ronsard St Cyr is one of more than 100 personalities who dream of becoming Prime Minister of the Transitional Government. While waiting for the Presidential Transitional Council to reveal the identity of the chosen personality, he has outlined the priority areas of his political agenda in the event that he accesses the Prime Minister’s office.

THE HAITI FACTOR, May 21, 2024._At the outset, the former Secretary of State for Public Security mentioned the security aspect of the country.

To tackle organized crime at its grassroots, the former PNH executive encourages state authorities to supervise, train and educate the country’s young people.

To get the country out of the current chaos, Ronsard St Cyr calls on the sons and daughters of the country to form a common front united by the will of the State.

Regarding the next Transitional Government, the candidate for the post of Prime Minister formulated a set of proposals to the actors involved in the search for a solution to the crisis.

Race for Prime Minister: Ronsard St Cyr spills the beans on the main axes of his political agenda
Handshake between Ronsard St Cyr and a member of the Chwazi Ayiti structure

The security technician says he opts for a well-crafted security plan based on information well suited to the situation and a very effective operating procedure. This security plan will, according to him, allow the Multinational Security Support Mission to better support the Haitian armed forces in the fight against organized crime in Haiti.

Ronsard St Cyr also mentioned the holding of the next general elections. And to achieve this, the first thing to do, he wishes, is the revision of the Haitian Constitution. The latter who dreams of the Prime Minister also pleaded in favor of the creation of bodies to control the expenditure of the State to curb corruption.

The development of an economic plan for the two poles (North-South) is also part of its political agenda to facilitate employment in the country. He also placed emphasis on developing the education system and promoting agriculture and fishing.

He carried out the interview with Journalist Clif Coulanges during a series of activities organized by the socio-political structure “ Choose Haiti », to celebrate the 221 years of the Haitian bicolor.


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Le Facteur Haiti