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Requiem for the Haitian political class

  • May 1, 2024
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« We do not agree with any disguised invasion. The solution is not another invasion… The solution is for Latin America and the Caribbean to embrace (Haiti), to accompany it, to really help it so that Haiti can follow its own path and implement its own model » President Nicolas Maduro

While some celebrate and continue to celebrate the swearing-in and installation of members of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) from the traditional political class and fabricated from scratch by Western powers to reform the state apparatus rotten, the socio-political situation in Haiti is far from returning to normal. No offense to those who continue to delude themselves about this country which suffers from the indifference of its elites, always thinking that we can heal the wounds of this attacked Nation, the rest of us, without a shadow of a doubt , our position is the complete opposite of their illusion.

A country turned upside down is a country that is suffering and urgently needs to find its way back, its independence and the sovereign authority of its people. However, the image that we are presented with is foreigners, the same ones who contributed to the bankruptcy of this state, who are mobilizing Haitian leaders on its case, as if the dominant oligarchy was not concerned. To lock everything down, we resort to the often mentioned argument of the insecurity of gangs, the most formidable of the venoms distilled by imperialist propaganda. Is this not contempt for the people who demand a better life by fighting for a change of system?

Faced with what must be called a farce, the most humiliating that the country has known since American domination, the main mission of which is to maintain at all costs, the economic, political and social status quo to the point of dragging it away. in total disrepair to finally bury it without further action. Our institutions have reached a point of decay, such that recently, in the town of Jérémie, a 14-month-old baby was arrested in place of his father on the run by police officers who then abandoned him in a field. Despite this cruel, unconscious and inhumane act, it does not provoke the slightest reaction from the authorities or those responsible.

The bitterest reality arrived on April 25, 2024, when the imperialist powers made us swallow the snakes in order to breathe new life into the instruments and puppets that they used, in the past, to destroy the country. What happened that day represents, in any case, beyond the expectations of some, the calculations and political ulterior motives of others, a positive achievement for the American Administration of Joe Biden. For the Haitian working masses, this has no meaning and brings no glimmer of hope or break with the past. It’s all the same. On the contrary, for the country it is the path to dishonor and failure. What is even more humiliating, more serious for this political class, is the recognition, the acceptance of the fait accompli. Let us note, however, that there is no deep, irreversible antagonism between this small group of submissives and those of the exploiting powers. What an imposture!

It is a leap into the unknown, not to say dependent on an adversary, otherwise, a political enemy with historical disputes against our nation.

In fact, it is self-denial. Instead of organizing ourselves, arming ourselves with the courage, to demand the UN and US forces to renounce their destructive policy of Haiti, the political class which always has confidence in their bosses kneels before them to neutralize, anesthetize the struggle of the disadvantaged masses so as to make them forget their worries, their misfortunes, their sufferings so that they do not launch into any form of revolt against the serving oligarchs.

Faced with procrastination and local complicity, are Western powers not stealing from us what freedom, privacy, well-being and sovereignty remain? What new beginning does Dennis Bruce Hankins, the new American ambassador to Haiti, tell us about? What does he want to convince us of then, when the knee of his administration is on the neck of the country, to suffocate it, while illegally occupying our territories, in this case Navase? With each movement of the popular masses to change the face of the country, the first to concoct coups for us, assassinations of presidents, are they not called the United States of America?

What credit can we sincerely give to a power which denies life to the Palestinian people and which continues, via Israel, to constantly bomb them. How can we believe in its initiatives in Haiti when it destroys other peoples: Cuba, Venezuela, Libya, etc. while refusing the creation of a full Palestinian state by voting against this initiative at the UN? Are they not crocodile tears that she sheds for us the better to swallow us?

The real causes of the crisis which despairs the people and which makes the popular masses so vulnerable to impostors lie in the policy implemented by the various unscrupulous Haitian powers under the dictates of the United States. With the exception of a few rare exceptions, Haitian politicians of all persuasions are traitors to the Nation. After the shame of April 25, does the idea of ​​being Haitian politicians of the right or the left still make sense to the extent that they were all used as a springboard against their own country? The majority of current political parties are subcontractors serving the guardian powers and will not be able to get us out of any impasse.

It is a product of the capitalist system when social inequalities continue to increase. Organizing a symbolic election even within the Presidential Council was a headache, a fierce battle, a merciless struggle of interests. Wake up the parasites of the political class, crowned with the comprador lumpen-bourgeoisie, if it is in desperation that you accept this humiliation, decline it in the name of Charlemagne Péralte before it is too late!

Whatever the fallout from this de facto power may be, one thing is certain, there will be no restructuring or change caused or encouraged by imperialism. Moreover, having no connection to the working masses, without a clear anti-imperialist line, we are far from the path to change and social justice. In short, nothing suggests a better future if the Councilors and the President of the Council, Edgard Leblanc Fils, remain domestic slaves instead of being rebels, stepping stones rather than ramparts. By the way, can you ask someone to give what they don’t have? No ! So, this political class entangled in its contradictions is only digging its own grave.

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Berthony Dupont