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The 100th edition of Livres en Libert conquers the city of Les Cayes

  • May 18, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 17

The city of Les Cayes is hosting the 100th edition of Livres en Liberté until June 6, 2024. Launched on May 6 at the Brother Fabien Caron institution, the caravan has already visited several schools in the city including the Brother Odile Joseph institution, the Saint Jean des Cayes college, the La Providence college, the Sainte Marie des Anges institution. , the Saint Joseph Day School, Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco, Open Hands School, Saint-Anne des Cayes College and the Philippe Guerrier High School. For the first two weeks of activities, the results were rather satisfactory, according to the coordinator of the event, since the students from the aforementioned establishments not only took part in the talks and the poetic recital, they also showed enthusiasm. craze to obtain the books of their choice.

The city of Les Cayes continues to vibrate to the festive rhythm of the country’s largest book event in a friendly atmosphere, conducive to an exciting dive into the rich and contrasting world of Haitian literature. Spread across different sites, the “Libres en Liberté” fair, as usual, highlights the richness of the Haitian literary scene, which allows us to properly weigh the commitment of the team led by the poet Clément II Benoit to raise awareness among young people across the country of the importance of book culture and literature. In the opinion of the Past-president of the Rotary Club of Les Cayes, Jean Robert Carrié, it is thanks to the dynamism of its organizers and its partners that Livres en Liberté continues its mission in favor of the socio-cultural development of young people, despite the critical situation in which the country is stagnating.

Jean Armoce Dugé, distinguished guest of this special edition, is happy to be honored during this prestigious celebration of the book. According to him, the event does not miss its objective which has always been to allow young people to meet Haitian authors and talk with them.

“Clément, my dear friend, you dared to brave this road of descent into hell to come to Les Cayes, the young people acclaimed you with a special welcome by purchasing with all their hearts and in complete freedom these thousands of titles that you gave them as proposed, declared Mr. Dugé, thus affirming to be a witness of this magnificent literary adventure, he said he was convinced that the students of Sainte Marie des Anges will keep for a long time the happy memory of the recital pairing Tach Solèy by Clément II Benoit and his book Chuichui Chuichui (published in 2012 by Editions de l’Ile) presented on Thursday May 9.

The 100th edition of Livres en Liberté extends over a month. An opportunity to pay tribute Haitians and to raise awareness among young people of the discovery of the immense universe of Haitian literature.

For more than twenty years, Livres en Liberté has been a major player in the promotion of socio-educational values ​​among Haitian youth as a reference source to guide young people by encouraging the sharing of ideas and innovation. This event offers young people from different schools in the southern metropolis the opportunity to come together around books and discuss its crucial role in understanding social issues.

La Cayenne Hotel, Prestige Multi-Services, Rotary Club of Les Cayes, Brown Legal Group, Emergency Clinic Accès Santé Limbé, Claire Vision Ophthalmologie de Jacmel, Mr. Yves Martial, Mr. William Eliacin past Governor Lions District of Haiti, Leguz Laboratory , Me. Remis Registre and the Honorary President of Livres en liberte, Engineer Kenold Décimus, are the main partners of this 100th edition. Without forgetting the National Education Fund (FNE) which offers a significant reduction in prices to allow pupils and students to obtain more titles.

text from Livres en Liberté