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The CPT and PM Gary Conille participate in the ceremony of handing over parchments to 455 police officers from the PNH’s specialized units

  • June 18, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 10

The CPT and PM Gary Conille participate in the ceremony of handing over parchments to 455 police officers from specialized units of the PNH

The CPT and PM Gary Conille participate in the ceremony of handing over parchments to 455 police officers from specialized units of the PNH

Members of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) accompanied by Garry Conille, the Minister of Justice Carlos Hercule, members of the diplomatic corps took part, this Tuesday, June 18, in the ceremony of handing over parchments to the 455 specialized police officers of UDMO, CIMO, UTAG, POLIFRONT and various other units of the Haitian National Police (PNH).

The President of the Transitional Presidential Council, Edgard LEBLANC Fils, present during the ceremony, alongside presidential advisor Smith Augustin, underlined in his speech that these law enforcement officers, well prepared, will be responsible for fighting against the insecurity that is ravaging the country.

The President of the CPT reaffirmed the will and determination of the Presidential Transitional Council and the Conille government to restore a climate of peace throughout the country, in accordance with the agreement of April 3, 2024. The objective is to allow citizens to conduct their activities safely and create an environment conducive to the holding of good elections in 2025.

Furthermore, Edgard LEBLANC Fils, issued a clear warning to the gangs: “If you are a gang, don’t hide, the police will come after you.” These new leaders are expected to turn the corner to fight against the insecurity that has plagued the country for many years.

The CPT and PM Gary Conille participate in the ceremony of handing over parchments to 455 police officers from specialized units of the PNH

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