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The new holder of the MENFP welcomes the efforts of Nesmy Manigat and assures that he will rely on them to strengthen the system

  • June 13, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 11

Professor Antoine Augustin officially takes the reins of the Ministry of National Education and Professional Training (MENFP).

During the installation ceremony held on Wednesday June 12, 2024, Professor Antoine Augustin was officially invested as Minister of National Education and Vocational Training. The ceremony, chaired by Maître Carlos Hercule, Minister of Justice and Public Security, highlighted the challenges and priorities of the new minister. The new minister expresses his recognition for the efforts of Nesmy Manigat and assures that he will rely on them to strengthen the education system.

The minister announced imminent discussions with ministry executives, teaching unions and school principals’ associations to identify and correct shortcomings according to the government’s roadmap. He also welcomed the initiatives of his predecessor, Minister Nesmy Manigat, in particular for the digitalization of registrations and results of official exams.

Antoine Augustin, with 46 years of experience in the field of education, expressed his gratitude to the Presidential Council and Prime Minister Garry Conille for the trust placed in him. He underlined his commitment and humility, promising to put all his experience at the service of the ministry.

Professor Augustin affirmed his desire to collaborate with the various stakeholders in the education sector, including school principals and the university sector, to ensure the sustainability of the education system.

In his speech, Master Hercule highlighted the skills and experience of Professor Augustin, saying that he is a “technician in his place”. The new Minister of National Education will have to work in particular on the reinstallation of schools in their historic premises, disrupted by the violence. The Ministry of Justice has promised its support to ensure the security necessary for this resettlement.

The ceremony was attended by several personalities, including the Minister of Social Affairs Georges Wilbert Franck, the Minister of Agriculture Vernet Joseph, and the general director, Jean Ronald Joseph.

The Communications Office of MENFP indicated that Minister Augustin plans to take concrete measures to resolve the various problems in the education sector, based on a series of discussions and in accordance with the government’s roadmap.

Antoine Augustin also serves as Minister of Culture and Communication.

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