Say goodbye to the bra! The “No bra” movement is growing, and for good reason. Going braless offers a multitude of benefits for your physical and mental well-being.

“The motives of these “No Bra” followers seem more dictated by a desire for comfort (53%) than by a real sensitivity to feminist discourse, except among young people who are much more numerous (32%) than the average (15 %) to explain that their choice is determined by the wish to fight against the sexualization of female breasts which requires them to be hidden from the view of others “according to Ifop, carrying out a survey of 3,018 French women aged 18 and more, in 2020.

Here are five compelling reasons to join the “No bra” revolution:

1. For all-day freedom

Say goodbye to the bra and enjoy total freedom without any discomfort. No more itching from lacy bras, red marks from wrong sizes, and sagging straps. In summary, no more constraints! Your body and chest breathe freely, and so do you. We approve!

2. Improved sleep quality

Studies published on the National Library of Medicine have shown that bras that are too tight can disrupt sleep cycles by interfering with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Going braless allows for unrestricted airflow and temperature regulation, promoting better sleep and overall well-being.

3. Reduced risk of skin irritations and infections

Bras, especially those made of synthetic materials or poorly fitted, can trap moisture and rub against the skin, causing irritation, redness and even fungal infections. Going braless allows your skin to breathe freely, reducing the risk of these skin problems.

4. Natural breast support and shape

According to a study by physician Jean Denis Rouillon and contrary to popular belief, wearing a bra all the time can actually weaken the supporting muscles of the chest, leading to sagging over time. Going braless encourages these muscles to work naturally, promoting better breast support and a more natural shape.

5. Improved circulation and energy

Tight bras can compress the chest, restricting blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Going bra-free allows for unimpeded circulation, which can improve energy levels, reduce pain, and support overall cardiovascular health.

In summary, the “No Bra” is not just a fashion trend, but a beneficial choice for your comfort and health. Why not try ?

Anya El Hamdaoui


June 19, 2024, at 10:20 p.m.

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