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The VAPONAH Organization welcomes the official appointment, to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the PNH, of Inspector General of Police Rameau NORMIL

  • June 20, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 8

The Veterans and Friends of the Haitian National Police Organization (VAPONAH) extends its most sincere congratulations to the Inspector General (IG) of Police Rameau NORMIL, for his appointment to the position of Commander in Chief of the Police Forces. This appointment demonstrates the confidence placed in his skills and his dedication to serving our country.

As such, the Organization VETERANS AND FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL POLICE OF HAITI (VAPONAH) wants to draw the attention of the Inspector General (IG) of Police Rameau NORMIL to the urgent need for profound reforms within the police institution. Indeed, the Haitian people have suffered for too long from growing insecurity, manifested by phenomena such as kidnappings for ransom, rapes, thefts, and the lack of investment due to a generalized climate of fear. These scourges not only undermine the tranquility of citizens, but also slow down the economic and social development of our nation.

The Organization VETERANS AND FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL POLICE OF HAITI (VAPONAH) believe that the new Commander in Chief of the National Police of Haiti represents the hope of seeing the emergence of a more efficient, honest and proactive police force, capable of restoring the internal security and confidence among the population. The VAPONAH Organization hopes that it will undertake decisive actions to restructure and strengthen the tactical, technical, administrative and operational capacities of the Haitian National Police, improve the training of all police officers, and put in place rigorous control and monitoring mechanisms. sanction for any form of deviance.

It is imperative that concrete measures be taken to eradicate insecurity and restore to the Haitian population the serenity to which they are entitled. The country is counting on the leadership of Inspector General (IG) of Police Rameau NORMIL, Commander-in-Chief of the Police Forces, to breathe new life into the police institution and contribute significantly to the construction of a more prosperous Haiti. safe and prosperous.

Note that the Organization VETERANS AND FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL POLICE OF HAITI (VAPONAH), whose motto is “Loyalty – Integrity – Esprit de Corps – Esprit d’Equipe”, was founded on February 28, 2015 in the State of New York. This citizen and fraternal organization’s main objectives are to promote respect and protection of the rights and duties of officials of the Haitian National Police.

ex-Police Officer of the National Police of Haiti
Founder and President of the VAPONAH Organization

Jean-Mary D. JEUNE, CPA
ex-Police Officer of the National Police of Haiti
Co-founder and 1st Executive Vice President (1st EVP) of the VAPONAH Organization

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