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This sign would predict when older people make the decision to stop driving

  • May 23, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 17

In France, there is no no age limit for driving. And yet, the subject of driving among our seniors often comes up on the table. Last July 2023, a bill was tabled in the National Assembly to establish a compulsory and regular medical examination for elderly drivers. Three months later, the government had finally ended the debate by refusing to institute such an examination. If neither the law nor the highway code, does not provide for an age threshold, some warning signs can put you on the path, as a geriatrician explained to Current wife. Through new scientific research, American researchers have studied factors that can predict when it’s time to stop driving.

Determining when and why older adults stop driving

When should seniors definitely put away their car keys? This is the question asked by the team from the School of Medicine at Washington University in Saint-Louis, in the United States. More specifically, the Missouri scientists were interested in the reasons that may lead people to stop driving once they get older. With their research, they hope to be able to help and guide seniors, as well as healthcare professionals, to anticipate this decision.

To carry out their studyscientists examined data from 283 people, average age 72. All drove at least once a week and did not present cognitive problems at the start of the study. The researchers mainly sought to determine when and why each participant stopped driving, we can read in the study. Thus, the participants underwent a whole series of cognitive tests, once at the start of the study, then every year for an average of 5.6 years. At the same time, they also underwent brain scans and had their cerebrospinal fluid analyzed, at the start of the study, then every 2 to 3 years. A test that can detect indicators of Alzheimer’s disease.

3 factors would predict driving cessation

During the study, 24 people stopped driving, 15 died and 46 developed cognitive impairment. The analyzes demonstrated that three factors predicted driving cessation: THE cognitive disordersworsening PACC scores, and being female. The PACC, for “Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite”, is one of the exams taken by participants. It measures the evolution of cognitive decline in the preclinical phase of Alzheimer’s disease.

The authors observed that impairment of cognitive functions is the first factor which foreshadows the decision of seniors to stop driving, more than age and the molecular signs of Alzheimer’s disease. In this sense, they found that even very slight alterations in cognitive functions represent a sign that stopping driving is imminent. Furthermore, the results of the study demonstrated that women are four times more likely to stop driving only men.

Encourage discussion about when to consider stopping driving

Many older drivers are aware of the changes that occur with age, including subjective cognitive decline“, commented Ganesh M. Babulal, doctor and professor of neurology. The author of the study invites doctors to discuss these changes with their elderly patients. And to continue: “If risk is identified early, this allows more time to support remaining capabilities and skills, extending the period during which they can drive safelyand for plan a transition to other transportation options in order to maintain their independence when the time comes to stop driving.

On his way, the doctor adds that solutions exist to help people adapt to age-related changes. He cites in particular the driving rehabilitation programsoften led by occupational therapistsas well as community support programs, who can help our seniors share their experiences and, at the same time, learn about alternative solutions. “Ultimately, most people will have to stop driving, but by starting the conversation earlywe can better support the independence and quality of life of older adults“, he concludes.

Sources :

  • Predicting Driving Cessation Among Cognitively Normal Older Drivers – Neurology
  • Subtle cognitive decline precedes end to driving for older adults – Washington University School of Medicine
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Melody Husson Garnier