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US Embassy says it looks forward to CPT’s choice of Prime Minister

  • May 24, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 12

The United States Embassy in Haiti says it impatiently awaits the process of selecting a Prime Minister by the CPT

Through a publication, theUnited States Embassy in Haiti said he welcomed the information that the Presidential Transitional Council has begun the process of selecting a Prime Minister. However, she says she looks forward to a transparent process that will allow Haiti to have a prime minister and transitional government selected on the basis of technical merit and impartiality.

For the post of Prime Minister, several personalities have applied. Among the candidates we can cite the former minister Gérald Germain, proposed by a civil society organization called “the Struggle for the Advent of a New Haitian Society (LANSE-Haïti)” doctor Garry Conille supported by the Rally for a National Agreement (REN), Jean Hector Anacacis proposed by the Alternative League for Progress and Haitian Emancipation (LAPEH), the former unsuccessful candidate for the Senate for the West department, Didier Fils-Aimé endorsed by an association employer, the former minister for the status of women and women’s rights, Marie Denise Claude, the former minister Daniel Supplice, Me Panel Lindor among others.

In a document from the Presidential Transitional Council giving the obligations, criteria, profile and skills to be Prime Minister, the candidate must be of Haitian origin; have never been convicted of financial crimes, blood crimes, or linked to acts of violence or corruption; be the owner of at least one building in Haiti; not be subject to sanction by a UN resolution; have a good knowledge of public administration; have good high-level managerial experience; master the art of negotiation; not show bias for any political, economic or social actor.

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