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What memories do you have of B Katedral?

  • June 10, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 8

“Bò Katedral”, memories of a legendary market in danger of disappearing due to gang violence.

Since last weekend, memories of “Bò Katedral” have been at the heart of discussions on social networks. This expression, anchored in popular Haitian culture, evokes a reality well known to residents of the metropolitan region: that of counterfeits and small scams which were once the daily life of the market located around the cathedral of Port-au-Prince.

“Bò Katedral” has over time become synonymous with dubious transactions. Buying black pants that turn white after the first wash, having a phone repaired that no longer works once home, or even acquiring a beautiful pair of tennis shoes that tear after a week: these are some of the many testimonials shared by Internet users. These anecdotes illustrate how some merchants around the Cathedral of Port-au-Prince deceived their customers with inferior or counterfeit products.

“Bò Katedral”, an expression that says a lot

The expression “Bò Katedral” is not limited to describing a simple geographical location. It carries with it an implicit criticism of the commercial practices that took place there. It was a place where distrust was essential, where the illusion of a good deal could quickly turn into disillusionment.

“I won’t forget that I went to “Bò Katedral” in 2009, I went to buy a television. You’re not asking me to tell the story, I’m the one telling you: I spent almost 30 minutes watching TV in front of the salesman, and when I got home, the TV couldn’t turn on. I went back downstairs, the salesman swore that it was me who had damaged the TV and that I was coming back to bring it back. I was so surprised that I didn’t tell the seller anything. That’s when I really understood when they say that if you buy something “Bò Katedral”, you risk getting ripped off,” recalls Smith, a father of three.

“Bò Katedral”, a place in danger due to gang violence

Today, “Bò Katedral” is almost a memory. Gang violence has transformed downtown Port-au-Prince into a lawless zone. The businesses have been destroyed, the merchants have fled, and the regulars no longer dare to venture there. Terror and insecurity have replaced the bustling activity that once animated the streets around the cathedral.

Internet users’ discussions that took place last weekend reveal a deep nostalgia. Despite the scams, “Bò Katedral” was a place of life, a crossroads where sellers and buyers met in a unique atmosphere. Memories of stained pants and faulty phones are imbued with a certain tenderness for an area that was an integral part of the city’s identity with the presence of the Cathedral, a space that has hosted many presidents in the past during investitures and major celebrations.

As violence continues to ravage downtown Port au Prince, the memories of “Bò Katedral” remain alive in the collective memory. They bear witness to a bygone era, to a neighborhood where commerce, although often dubious, was the heart of the city. “Bò Katedral” represents both a warning and a nostalgia, recalling the complexities and contradictions of urban life in Haiti.

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