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4 tips from a neurologist to prevent the risk of stroke

  • June 6, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 19

150,000 people are victims ofa cerebral vascular accident every year in France. Stroke is the leading cause of acquired physical disability in adults, indicates Inserm. In 85% of cases, it is an ischemic stroke, which occurs when an artery in the brain is blocked by a blood clot or an atherosclerotic plaque, specifies the Ministry of Health.

To prevent stroke, it is essential to know its main risk factors, namely l’hypertensionsmoking, diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol, as indicated by the French Cardiology Federation. Limiting the risk of stroke requires “take as much care as possible of our vessels and in particular our arteries”indicates Dr Olivier Sillam, neurologist, in a video posted on Instagram. To do this, he lists four essential measures to put in place.

The right reflexes to know to limit the risk of stroke?

Knowing the risk factors for stroke and acting on them is a good way to protect yourself. What are the right reflexes to adopt? Neurologist Olivier Sillam listed four.


We know it, the tobacco is responsible for a large number of diseases, including certain cancers and even chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is also a risk factor for stroke. “Tobacco will degrade the wall of the vessels, will induce both inflammatory and oxidative processes and will therefore be the cause of atherosclerotic plaques, that is to say fat, which will lodge at the level arteries”, explains Dr Olivier Sillam. To limit the risks, you should therefore not smoke.

Check your blood pressure

The neurologist emphasizes the importance of checking his blood pressure regularly. In question ? “Hypertension can cause damage to the vessel wall”, he notes. As a reminder, we are talking about normal blood pressure when it is lower than 140/90 mmHg at the doctor’s office and 135/85 mmHg when self-measured, indicates the Health Insurance website.

Ensure the absence of diabetes and cholesterol

Diabetes and high cholesterol are also risk factors for stroke. This is why the neurologist emphasizes the need to “ensure, with the attending physician, the absence of diabetes by a blood test and dyslipidemia, that is to say bad cholesterol”.

Practice regular physical activity

Dr Olivier Sillam also recommends practicing regular physical activity. This is beneficial “for cardiovascular health in general and can limit the risk of developing a stroke”he comments.

There are also other risk factors for stroke that can be controlled. In particular, you should adopt a balanced diet or limit your alcohol consumption.

Sources :

  • Instagram video of Dr Olivier Sillam, neurologist
  • Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) The leading cause of acquired disability in adults – Inserm
  • Signs of stroke – Ministry of Health
  • Stroke prevention – Ministry of Health
  • Update on strokes – French Cardiology Federation
  • How to take your blood pressure at home? – Health Insurance
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Anais Chabalier