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5 good reasons to adopt an animal for your child!

  • February 20, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 32

Verified on 02/09/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

The pet, in a child’s life, plays an essential role. Strengthen your immune system, open up to others, take responsibility… Here are 5 good reasons to adopt an animal for your child!

Animals strengthen the child’s immune system

A study reveals that babies who have been around a pet are healthier than those who did not have one.

According to the researchers, they would have had 30% fewer symptoms of respiratory infections and half as many ear infections or other ear infections. Additionally, babies with pets receive fewer antibiotics than those without pets.

However, dogs seem to be a better shield than cats. “ The presence of the dog matures the young child’s immune system, which allows the baby to suffer less frequent and shorter infections. explains Eija Bergroth, pediatrician and lead author of the study.

Children in contact with animals develop lessallergies than the others.

Ideal for opening up to others

Walking down the street with a dog is the best way to start a conversation.

The Saint Bernard Fund, which works for responsible adoption with French animal protection associations, explains that “playing, sharing secrets, observing, taking care of them… All these simple things allow the child to open up to the outside”. This would also allow “ open up more calmly to others. (…) To establish relationships with others is to take into account the existence of someone other than oneself.”

It’s good for morale !

According to a study conducted on pet owners, they are more conscientious, more extroverted, less fearful and less anxious in general.

So, if your child is suffering from any form of stress, the thought of finding their pet should relieve them. Just cuddling an animal is enough to reduce your heart rate. A voucher anti-stress remedy !

A good way to get regular physical activity

If your child has difficulty moving, a dog can be a very good source of motivation.

You thus increase the opportunities for outings and exercise! The child will probably ask to go outside himself. If he is comfortable, he can put on his roller skates and go with his companion. An inexhaustible playmate!

To take responsibility

Taking care of a dog or a cat for a child allows you to learn a sense of responsibility. You have to feed it, take it out, clean it…

In addition, the animal allows you to acquire a certain patience, even self-sacrifice. Finally, the animal can allow the child to take on certain challenges: learn tricks, educate them, go hiking, swim, etc.

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