Aromatic herbs are often used as seasonings, but they also have many medicinal propertieseach offering specific benefits for health.

Aromatic herbs, allies of your health

Here are 5 good reasons to adopt aromatic herbs for your health:

  • Reduce oxidative stress : like parsley, mint and basil, certain aromatic herbs have properties antioxidants which help fight oxidative stress and age-related diseases.
  • Improve digestion : aromatic herbs such as coriander, tarragon or fennel have digestive properties that stimulate enzyme production and promote intestinal transit, thus contributing to optimal digestive comfort.
  • Protect against disease : aromatic herbs, such as oregano, thyme or sage, have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which make them valuable in fighting infections and inflammations. they stimulate the immune system and help prevent or relieve conditions such as colds, flu or sore throats.
  • Provide essential nutrients : they are not only tasty, they are also valuable sources of vitamins, minerals, fibers and polyphenols. These essential nutrients play a crucial role in the proper functioning of our body, strengthening our immune defensespreserving the health of our bones and our cardiovascular system, and promoting better assimilation of nutrients.
  • Increase the flavor and color of dishes : incorporate aromatic herbs in our kitchen is not just a question of taste. It is also a way to add a touch of color and of freshness to our dishes, making them more appetizing and tastier. By enhancing natural flavors of foodaromatic herbs encourage us to reduce our consumption of sel and added sugarsthus contributing to a healthier diet healthy and more balanced.

Aromatic herbs are not simple culinary accessories, but true treasures of nature which offer us a multitude of benefits for our health and well-being.

So don’t hesitate to generously invite them onto your plates to benefit from their precious virtues and savor dishes that are both colorful and delicious.

Anya El Hamdaoui


June 26, 2024, at 5:31 p.m.

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