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5 things to keep in mind if one of your loved ones suffers from depression, according to this psychologist

  • May 6, 2024
  • 8
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According to Inserm, 1 in 5 people have suffered or will suffer from depression during their life. This common psychological illness which, by its mood disorders, strongly disrupts daily life, can be triggered by different factors. As Health Insurance explains, this can be due to life events such as disrupted relationships, loss of a job, separation or family conflict, but also by a vulnerability to depression. genetic origin. However, when one of his loved ones suffers from depression, it is not always easy to know how to react. In a video posted on Instagram, American psychologist Julie Smith, also known as @drjulie on social networks, highlighted five things you need to be aware of to best help your loved one suffering from depression.

Depression: 5 things to keep in mind to best help your loved one who suffers from it

In the caption of her video, the psychologist begins by emphasizing that many “false ideas circulate about depression”. She believes that these false ideas can “preventing one from providing effective support to their depressed loved one.” This is why the psychologist decided to highlight five things you need to know to best help your loved one suffering from depression.

Depression is not a choice

“Depression does not mean a simple bout of depression or a temporary sadness, but a real psychological illness” explains Health Insurance. Indeed, depression occurs without warning, and it is very difficult to come out of it, underlines the psychologist in her video. This is why a relationship of help and support for the depressed person from their treating doctor, their psychiatrist and, possibly, other health professionals is essential. If one of your loved ones suffers from depression, it is therefore essential to keep in mind that they did not choose this situation.

Your depressed loved one is fighting a battle with themselves

According to the expert, it happens quite often that a depressed loved one takes days to respond to a message, or that they cancel their plans at the last minute. In this case, it is good to remember that he is fighting a battle against himself, and that it is not you who is not up to the task as a caregiver.

The reasons for depression are not always visible

The triggers for depression can be multiple. Some are visible and others invisible. However, according to the expert, “It is essential to keep in mind that not knowing the reasons for depression does not make it any less valid.”

You should not minimize the efforts of your depressed loved one

“When you’re depressed, even the simplest task can seem like a mountain to climb.” declares the psychologist in her video. So, it is better to highlight the efforts of a depressed person even if they are minimal, rather than pointing out that there is a long way to go.

Depressed or not, your loved one is still the same

Just because your loved one is depressed doesn’t mean you’re no longer dealing with the same person. On the contrary, “it’s still the same person, but if they are going through real hell”, underlines the specialist. This is a time when your loved one needs you more than ever.

How to help a loved one suffering from depression?

In the caption of her video, the psychologist gave some additional advice on how to support someone suffering from depression. This first explains that it is completely normal to not know how to approach the subject of depression with the person who suffers from it. Faced with this apprehension, the expert wants to be reassuring. Indeed, according to her, “you don’t have to be a therapist to provide effective support.” However, if you are not sure of the words you are going to use to help your loved one suffering from depression, the best thing is to tell them directly, as the psychologist explains. “Let him know that you care about him and want to help him, but you have no idea how to do it,” can we read in the caption of his video. Then ask him what support would be most useful to him at this time, she concludes.

Additional sources:

  • Depression: Understanding it better to cure it sustainably – Inserm
  • Understanding depression – Health Insurance
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Oceane Letouze