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5 tips for safely maintaining your tan!

  • July 15, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 1

They are finally here: the long summer holidays have officially begun, and with them comes that seasonal desire to achieve a tanned complexion, synonymous with the beach, sun, relaxation and beautiful summer evenings.

But while getting a tan is relatively easy, maintaining that golden glow is another matter entirely. PasseportSanté therefore reveals 5 tips for keeping that magnificent tan long after the end of summer and the return of bad weather.

Exfoliate your skin

To maintain your tan, it is first and foremost necessary to tan on smooth, prepared skin. To do this, exfoliate it once or twice a week to remove dead cells that can dull the glow of your tan.

However, avoid exfoliants with glycolic and salicylic acid, as they weaken and sensitize the skin to UV rays. To restore your tan and complexion to its radiance, opt for a gentle scrub using either a specific glove or a grain scrub, and make circular movements over your entire body.

Moisturize your skin

Hydration is the key to a long-lasting tan. Of course, after exfoliating your skin, it is essential to moisturize it, but that’s not all. Apply an after-sun cream daily to repair the skin after exposure to the sun.

Then, once you return from vacation, use a moisturizer to deeply nourish the skin and prevent it from drying out. This action will help preserve your tan and its radiance.

Opt for moisturizing cleansing care

While hydration comes from the creams applied after the shower, we should not minimize the importance of the products used in the shower. In fact, the limestone content of shower water tends to weaken and dry out the well as the often very hot temperature of our showers and our soaps which damage the protective hydrolipidic film of the epidermis.

So, to combat these effects, even before applying a cream, opt for gentle shower gels containing moisturizing ingredients, such as aloe veravegetable oils or butters. Also prefer lukewarm showers, if possible and bearable.

Apply natural and gradual self-tanners

Who says you can’t cheat a little to maintain your tan? There are many brands that sell self-tanners, but they are often difficult to apply and can leave streaks.

Instead, opt for carrot oil macerate, more commonly known as carrot vegetable oil. By using it regularly on your body and face, this oil will help you maintain your tan.

Rich in carotenoids, especially beta caroteneit is known to gradually color the skin and intensify its tan. In addition, its antioxidant content helps prevent the signs of photoaging

Eat foods rich in beta-carotene

Did you know that your diet also affects the appearance and quality of your skin?

So, while it is recommended to drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated, It is also possible to keep your tan by consuming foods rich in beta-carotene and vitamine Asuch as carrots, melons, apricots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and spinach.

In addition to fighting free radicals responsible for skin aging, these products will also stimulate your melanin production.

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