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6 expert tips to limit belly fat during menopause

  • June 21, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 6

Menopause in women generally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Upon arrival, it is often accompanied by multiple physiological changes: hot flashes, mood changes, vaginal dryness, as well as stopping monthly menstruation. Following this cessation of ovarian functioning, Health Insurance emphasizes that it is also possible to have a drop in muscular power or an accumulation of belly fat. A change difficult to accept for which American specialists have found 6 solutions to adopt.

Change in silhouette at menopause: how to explain this phenomenon and this weight gain?

It is not uncommon for some women to notice, at the time of menopause, a transformation in their silhouette, whether or not there is a weight gain. According to Health Insurance, lean mass and fat mass are distributed differently on the body at this time of life. “The fat disappears from the upper part of the body (neck, back of the arm, armpit, side part of the thorax) while it is located on the stomach and abdomen (and much less on the thighs and buttocks)”, specifies Health Insurance, which emphasizes that the average weight gain between the ages of 42 and 50 is 0.8 kg per year and amounts to 1.5 kg for 20% of women.

This weight gain can be explained in particular by “the drop in estrogen responsible for the increase in fat mass and the decrease in muscle mass”but also new eating habits or even the drop in physical activity.

How to limit belly fat during menopause? 6 expert tips

But what can be done to limit the appearance of belly fat at menopause? Questioned par Women’s Health, Dr Naomi Parrella, from Rush University in Chicago, in the United States, recalls that “the sooner you intervene, the easier and faster it will be for you to feel good and do what you can to prevent future health problems so you can freely live the life you want.” Here are the tips for limiting belly fat during menopause:

Do muscle strengthening

Among the symptoms of menopause, we note muscle loss. Also, with the agreement of your doctor, it is advisable to do muscle strengthening.

Eat more protein

Another tip from the specialists, add vegetable proteins in your eating habits. “Proteins are the building blocks of all cells, including bones, the brain, the endocrine system (hormones), heart muscle, skeletal muscle and skin”explains Dr Catherine Hansen, menopause specialist at Pandia Health, a center specializing in contraception.

Get enough sleep and fight stress

In case of stressful situation, the body secretes a hormone called cortisol. The latter leads to the accumulation of hormonal fat. Also, it is advisable to get enough sleep (between 7 and 8 hours), as well as doing activities to combat stress such as mindfulness meditation.

Put on your sneakers for some cardio

The cardio is defined as physical activity that increases your heart rate. This has significant benefits for maintaining blood pressure, but also for reducing cholesterol. It is possible to make walking.

Choose a balanced diet

Specialists recommend adopting a balanced diet. From the American newspaper, coach Anel Pla advises you “focus on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, high-quality lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats”. Conversely, ultra-processed foods, alcohol and sugary snacks should be avoided.

Talk to your doctor

To reduce the effects of menopause, it is possible to follow menopausal hormonal treatment (THM). This last “allows you to replace hormones (estrogen and/or progesterone) which are no longer produced naturally”, explains the National Cancer Institute. This type of treatment is not recommended for all women. Also, it is advisable to make an appointment with a doctor.

Sources :

  • 6 ways to prevent ‘menopause belly’ and why it happens in the first place, according to doctors – Women’s Health (13/04/2024)
  • Menopause: what are the repercussions on health? – Health Insurance
  • Menopause – National Cancer Institute
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Louis Tardy