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Brazil calls for UN reform and end to veto as it begins G20 presidency

  • February 22, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 44

“We must increase the number of members and end the veto at the UN, because it is not possible that one country alone can veto the approval of a measure approved by all members,” Mr. Lula said during a state visit to Ethiopia.

Thursday February 22, 2024 ((–

Brazil’s foreign minister called for reforms to the United Nations and other multilateral institutions on Wednesday, while criticizing their failure to prevent global conflicts, as his country begins its presidency of the Group of 20 nations.

Mauro Vieira told fellow foreign ministers during an opening speech at a G20 meeting in Rio de Janeiro that the United Nations Security Council had not been able to prevent or stop conflicts such as those taking place in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip.

“Multilateral institutions are not sufficiently equipped to address current challenges, as demonstrated by the unacceptable paralysis of the Security Council in the face of ongoing conflicts,” Mr. Vieira said.

Foreign ministers from the top 20 rich and developing countries are meeting this week to discuss poverty, climate change and heightened global tensions, setting out a road map for the work ahead of the 18-19 summit. November in Rio.

One of Brazil’s main proposals, presented by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is a reform of global governance institutions such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and multilateral banks, under which it wishes to strengthen the representation of developing countries.

On February 18, the left-wing leader reiterated his interest in the expansion of the United Nations Security Council, considering the entry of new countries from Africa, Latin America, as well as India, Germany or Japan.

“We must increase the number of members and end the veto at the UN, because it is not possible that one country alone can veto the approval of a measure approved by all members,” Mr. Lula said during a state visit to Ethiopia.

“The UN is in crisis, and perhaps transforming the Security Council now is not ideal,” said Lucas Pereira Rezende, a political scientist at the Federal University of Minas Gerais.

Mr Vieira said Brazil was “deeply concerned” about the proliferation of conflicts around the world – not just in Ukraine and Gaza, but in more than 170 places, according to some studies.

Mr. Vieira said more than $2 trillion a year is spent on military budgets around the world and more of that money should be allocated to development aid programs.