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5 foods to avoid if you have osteoarthritis!

  • February 28, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 45

Verified on 02/28/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects more than 17% of the French population, or approximately 10 million people ! It is one of the most common diseases, especially among the elderly, but not only that!

Osteoarthritis does not benefit from any real treatment at the moment. So, to help you limit its effects and progression, find out what foods to avoid for osteoarthritis!

Foods rich in saturated fatty acids

If you suffer from osteoarthritis, you should avoid products rich in saturated fatty acids, which fuel inflammation and even tend to make it worse!

Among the foods rich in saturated fatty acids to avoid are: cheesesmargarine, red meats and cold meats.

Obviously, you should not completely ban these foods, but eat them with moderation !

Fried and high-salt foods

Reducing salt intake is essential for people with arthritis. Foods high in salt include, for example, canned soups, pizza, certain cheeses, processed meats and many other processed products.

It is also important to limit your consumption of fatty acids such as omega 6 which are particularly bad, because they increase inflammation!

These fatty acids generally concern fried foods, especially when combined with a large quantity of salt. Fries and chips should be avoided.

Vegetable oils rich in omega 6

The consumption of certain oils should also be prohibited, such as oils rich in omega 6!

This concerns soybean, corn, or sunflower oils! Instead, turn to oils rich in Omega 3 !

An advice ? Use olive oil as an example of an oil low in omega-6 fatty acids, while increasing the consumption of fatty fish to optimize the omega-6/omega-3 ratio.


It is in everyone’s best interest to limit their sugar intake, especially if you suffer from arthritis! And yes, if you have osteoarthritis, sugar is your worst enemy! However, it is difficult to do without it completely…

Limit your consumption of cookies and other processed sugary pastries! Added sugars can also be hidden in candy, soda, ice cream, barbecue sauce, salad dressings and even ketchup.

The WHO recommends that adults not exceed more than 30g of free (added) sugar per day! Choose alternatives au sucre.

The alcohol

Alcohol is not a good idea if you have osteoarthritis! Excessive alcohol consumption accentuates the effects of inflammation!

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