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These 4 diseases that don’t exist (but that we’ve all had before)!

  • February 29, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 38

Verified on 02/27/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Some diseases, sometimes well known, actually do not exist at all! Discover 4 illnesses that you have probably experienced…but which are not really illnesses!

A liver attack

A liver crisis is characterized by bloating, digestive problems, nausea, and even discomfort. It mainly takes place after a party that was a little too drunk or after meals that were too large.

This situation, known to all, does not exist in medical censuses. The irony is that the liver attack… has nothing to do with the foie. It is your digestive system, in particular your stomach and your intestines which are impacted!

Excess alcohol, coupled with meals that are poorly managed or too large or too fatty, can lead to indigestion. The latter is similar to liver crisis, and the scientific name given to it is dyspepsia.

A turn of the kidneys

Like liver crisis and the liver, kidney failure absolutely does not concern the reins. In reality, girth is just another name for what is much better known as lumbago.

The latter is characterized by a pain located in the lower back. Often not serious, it is however very painful and very restrictive.

The back circumference can appear following a false movement, a significant effort or a poorly held position during a movement such as carrying a heavy object.

A brain freeze

Have you ever felt that feeling of having a headache after eating food that is too cold? brain freeze.

Also called “ice cream headache” or simply “cold headache”, the freezing of brain is classified as pain in medical literature.

In its medical term, a sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia is caused by contact between the palate and too cold food. It is the consequence of ingesting the food in question too quickly.

It is therefore recommended to take your time to eat this frozen food, or even to keep it in your mouth a little to accustom your palate to the change in temperature.

This phenomenon is a nervous reaction: the cold forces the blood vessels to contract then they experience a sudden dilation as they heat up again. This dilation is perceived as sensory pain by the brain.

Get a cold

“Catch a cold” or “catch a cold” are undoubtedly two of the best-known expressions in France. However, this means nothing.

Concretely, it is impossible to get sick from the cold. The latter can be a factor favoring the appearance of an illness, by making the body more fragile or by not eliminating bacteria.

In any case, it is never directly responsible for our rhino-pharyngites, angina or bronchitisbehind which our slackness is often hidden.

“Catch a cold” is a misnomer which could be explained by the English translation of “to catch a cold” meaning “to catch a cold”… except that cold also translates to cold in French, hence the fact of “taking a cold”!

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