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Racism: the new Miss Germany victim of racist comments

  • February 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 37

Racism: the new Miss Germany victim of racist comments

The new German beauty queen of Iranian origin must face racist insults. “I expected such reactions, but not to this extent.” This is how Apameh Schönauer, the new Miss Germanyreacted to the wave of insults, threats and cyberharassment of which she has been the target since her coronation.

This German of Iranian origin, aged 39 and mother of two children, won the beauty contest across the Rhine on Saturday. But his sudden fame was overshadowed by numerous derogatory comments about his physique, his age or his origins, reports the conservative media BFMTV.

The Miss, an architect by profession, was the target of numerous hateful, sexist and racist messages on social networks.

The director of Miss Germany, Max Klemmer, has also spoken out since the election and denounced this surge of hatred on his Instagram account. “In any case, this shows that we have chosen the right person”, did he declare. Many other voices were raised to defend Apameh Schönauer.

Racisme: la nouvelle Miss Allemagne victime de propos racistes

Photo: Instagram/Miss Germany

Jeremie Tillon

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