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Haiti – FLASH: Nearly 1,000 Americans in Haiti request help from the State Department

  • March 19, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 28

Haiti – FLASH: Nearly 1,000 Americans in Haiti request help from the State Department
19/03/2024 09:46:15

Monday March 18, 2024, Vedant Patel, the Spokesperson for the Department of State revealed “nearly 1,000 Americans in Haiti “contacted us via the crisis reception form” referring to the form available on the website from the Department of State to request assistance.

Vedant Patel, made this statement the day after the landing on Sunday March 17 in Miami of 47 Americans on a charter evacuation flight chartered by the American Government from Cap Haitien 41909-haiti-flash-the-first-flight-of-americans-fleeing-chaos-in-haiti-landed-in-miami.html

“It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world,” Patel said. “Gang violence continues to make the security situation in Haiti untenable and it is a region that requires our attention. »

HL/ HaitiFree

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