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Haiti – FLASH: Complete Presidential Transitional Council, awaiting publication in the Moniteur (List)

  • March 20, 2024
  • 7 Min
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Haiti – FLASH: Complete Presidential Transitional Council, awaiting publication in the Moniteur (List)
20/03/2024 10:04:44

The two observer members of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) have been designated. Civil society organizations and the Rally for a National and Sovereign Entente (REN) have appointed René Jean-Jumeau, the former Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, responsible for energy security under the Martelly-Lamothe and Pierre Jean administration. Raymond André General Coordinator of the Coordination of Haitian Diaspora Organizations (COODAH).

List of submitted representatives (voting members):

1 – Collective of January 30: Representing the former senator and coordinator of the OPL political party, Edgard Leblanc Fils
Brings together the signatories of the declaration of January 30, 2023 to try to emerge from the crisis: the Haitian Tèt Kale Party (PHTK, in power since 2011), the National Union for Integrity and Reconciliation (UNIR-Haiti), the Dessalinian People’s Party. Patriotic Movement (Mopod), the Alternative League for Progress and Haitian Emancipation (Lapeh), the party of former president René Préval, the Organization of the People in Struggle (OPL) and the Grand Rally for Haiti party Evolution of Haiti (GREH).

2 – Montana Agreement:
Representative Fritz Alphonse Jean
Signed on August 30, 2021 by 431 civil society actors, 106 grassroots organizations, 326 individuals and 86 political parties or poles.

3 – Agreement of December 21, 2022:
Representative Louis Gérald Gilles
Signed between Prime Minister Ariel Henry and representatives of political parties, civil society organizations and members of the private sector. published in the official bulletin “Le Moniteur” on January 3, 2023.

4 – EDE/RED and political commitment and allies:
Representative: the former Minister for the Status of Women, Marie Ghislaine Mompremier
Alliance between the political party of former Prime Minister Claude Joseph (Les Engagés pour le Développement, EDE) and the platform of the Democratic Resistance (RED) and the members of the historic coalition and their allies, which include around forty political parties and movements like Ayiti An Aksyon (AAA), led by former senator Youry Latortue, and the Rally of Progressive Democrats (RDNP), of which Mirlande Manigat, member of the High Council of the Transition, is a member.

5 – Avalanche family:
Representative Leslie Voltaire
Party led by former President Jean Bertrand Aristide. Since at least the end of the 1990s, this force has actively participated in the political life of the country, which has produced two presidents and dozens of senators and deputies. It is one of the most powerful parties in Haiti.

6 – Private business sector:
Representative Laurent St Cyr
Made up of personalities, organizations and associations from the business sector, such as the Haiti Tourism Association (ATH), the Association of Haitian Industries (ADIH) and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, including the Western Chamber of Commerce (CCIO) and the American. Chamber of Commerce (AmCham – Haiti).

Observers (non-voting):
– René Jean-Jumeau
Former Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, responsible for energy security under the Martelly-Lamothe administration

– Pierre Jean Raymond André
General Coordinator of the Coordination of Haitian Diaspora Organizations (COODAH).

The resigning Prime Minister Ariel Henry who is still in Puerto Rico is awaiting the list of names (by CARICOM) in order to publish them immediately in the official newspaper Le Moniteur which could be done this week

Read also:

S/ HaïtiLibre

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