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Dr Jimmy Mohamed’s tips for an ideal breakfast!

  • March 26, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 35

Verified on 03/25/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Contrary to our habits, a sugary breakfast would not be the best option to start your day. Doctor Jimmy Mohamed recommends a savory alternative instead. He explains everything to us.

Avoid breakfasts that are too sweet

According to Doctor Jimmy Mohamed, sugary cereals, pain au chocolat or spreads cause a spike in blood sugar. “However, in the body, the sugar level must be constant, around one gram” specifies the doctor.

With high sugar levels, the body produces a lot ofinsulin. The role of the latter is to bring down the sugar level.

If you eat a lot, insulin is produced in large quantities, and your sugar level may drop suddenly. This may make you feel hungry. So, the sweeter you eat, the faster you will feel hungry.

It’s the famous 10 a.m. hunger pang, even if you ate well for breakfast.

Eggs in the morning!

From the morning, you must find a source of protein that you enjoy. They help give you enough energy and keep you full until the end of the morning.

The ideal is to opt for eggs: fried, scrambled, hard-boiled… There are many ways to cook them. “Contrary to popular belief, yellow does not raise the cholesterol » specifies Doctor Jimmy Mohamed.

If you don’t like eggs, there are other sources of protein such as chicken breast or ham. THE legumes like chickpeas are also a good option. Hummus is a great breakfast solution.

If you want a touch of sweetness, like a little jam, opt for wholemeal bread or sourdough bread. These are rich in fiber which allows you to last the entire morning. With your jam, the doctor advises adding butter.

According to him, “butter with jam helps delay the absorption of sugars”. The specialist indicates that fats are not prohibited. It is thus entirely possible to enjoy a lawyer rich in good fat.

Orange juice should remain an exception. For the brain, this juice is composed of water and sugar since, in the juice, there is no longer any fiber. However, it is possible to take a fresh, whole fruit.

On the dairy side, it is possible to choose a yogurt, but not just any yogurt. We opt for skyr, Greek yogurts or petit suisses, high in protein and low in sugar. Add a touch of honey and oilseeds, and enjoy!

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