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The Presidential Transitional Council is at a standstill, the Montana Accord and Fanmi Lavalas demand a postponement of the election

  • March 26, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 53

Fanmi Lavalas and the BSA demand a delay of 72 hours before the election is held.

The first working meeting this Saturday, March 23 between the members designated to the Presidential Council did not make it possible to move forward towards the appointment of the President of the Council.
Worse, two members of this council have already resigned following pressure or misunderstandings about the position offered.
The advisors are therefore meeting this Tuesday, March 26 to perhaps finalize the framework political agreement and the operating rules of the Council.

While members of the Presidential Council were to meet Monday evening to elect their president, members had to postpone the election until a later date.

In correspondence from the Montana Agreement Monitoring Office (BSA) sent to members of the President’s Council, the BSA requested the election be postponed. “Following our various working sessions and as agreed during our conversation this evening, the Agreement Monitoring Office (BSA) of Montana invites you to intervene with the other members designated to the Presidential Council to take all necessary measures so that the election scheduled for this evening for the presidency of the Presidential Council is postponed for a period not exceeding 72 hours.

According to the BSA, “it is premature to organize these elections, taking into account the absence of a political agreement which informs the nation on the main lines of the transition and of a document on the organization, functioning and specific mission of the Presidential Council and the particular responsibilities of each of its members. »

For his part, the representative of Fanmi Lavalas on the Council, Leslie Voltaire underlines that “During a meeting of the Presidential Transitional Council this morning, March 25, a proposal was tabled to hold a vote at 8 p.m. this evening with the aim of to appoint a President of the Presidential Council.

After several consultations I believe that in the absence of a political agreement signed between the different sectors, in the absence of candidates presented in a transparent manner and without any mandate defined between us for the President of the Council, nor even of a transparent voting method including observation by sectors to guarantee due process, there is unfortunately no consensus between us to proceed with elections this evening and therefore the planned vote will not be possible at 8 p.m. »

Lesly Voltaire says he is aware of the urgency of defining the structure and direction of the Presidential Council. This structured council is important to carry out this essential common effort for our country and respond to the crisis our citizens are facing. The Haitian people expect us to act as quickly as possible, he noted.

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The reference rate calculated by the BRH for this Tuesday March 26, 2024